hi Kay
well its one week on and still feeling gt. so gt i went and joined weight watchers… we can all dream eh. but i have put on about 2 stone since dx last Sept… two ops generally unwell chemo etc…
anyway back to my treatment. the nurses left me alone while it was being dripped into me. they came back near the end with next apt and said i had to stay for fours hours. Not once was anything checked or was i asked how i feel… i thought you were there because they did regular checks but not on me… what date is your first one i cant remember. good luck for it. take care a dull and wet evening here in bedford.x
Hiya Julie,
Glad to know your first week has gone well.Weight watchers eh? I really should go but can’t raise the enthusiasm at the mo.Is there an excercise bit too? The nearest thing to me is a Rosemary Conley class so I may get to that in a few weeks as I am stuck at a plateau after losing (intentionally) 10 kilos.
Are you aiming for a particular weight loss target? I am trying to get my BMI within normal limits - it was way over the top before diagnosis and then I put on a stone just by being off work/sitting more than usual and eating chocs etc that visitors brought me.
I went to the planning session yesterday and negotiated a short break as I am really “travelled out”- worked out that since diagnosis we have done over 2,000 miles to hospitals and that isnt counting my local hospital where I had surgery.
My loading dose will be Sept 13th.The breast care specialist nurse was very nice , explained everything and also gave me a recently designed booklet about Herceptin and frequently asked questions which is great because I can now let other family and friends see it without me having to explain it badly!!
Wet ,grey and miserable here too at the moment but did have a sunny afernoon out on sunday at a local beauty spot.
Love for now,
Hi Kay
Yes weight watchers. I am doing that one as doesn’t involve exercise as such its up to you. I have no energy for exercise programmes… i was about 10st before treatment. I weighed in at 11st 9 she looked by bmi ideal weight and is between 8st 6 and 10 st 6 so making my goal 10 st 6… I will give it three months. But like you with the treatment I have been sitting a lot and being at home all the time now i only do what i want ha ha. I was very good yesterday and stuck to my food allowance. I walked on the spot around the house for ten minutes at a time three times don’t laugh that’s a lot for me. Then last night i went for a brisk 15 minute walk… Hope it helps. I used to be so fit. I must say my new boob must weigh a lot as its solid…
Last night i woke in night with pains around heart area. Just below ribs. It worried me like hell i don’t want to die… it was like pins and needles without the pins. It lasted for about hour and half and i woke this morning with nothing. But i am going to put a post on here and take it easier today… My breathing wasnt effected and nothing else so prob just over done it. I panicked as my heart side and all this about this treatment affecting heart etc…
We have rosemary Conley here to but it didn’t appeal to me i don’t know why and i didnt know anyone that’s done it.
I am glad your plan session went OK. I know what you mean about the travelling. My local hospital is about three miles but i am being treated at one twenty miles away… its tiring and expensive travelling. I have got a lady fighting my case at the moment to see if i can have herceptin at home… Noone ever has from our hospital and the consultant is new to the idea but she has put my case to the clinical manager so watch this space…
Sept 13th eh its not a fri is it. My 2nd dose is Sept 2nd. At least you have a date and you can provisionally mark each week on the calendar.
The little book seems helpful i was given one at hospital after treatment and you record appts comments etc in there like yor bible ha ha.
Anyway got carried away on here this morning i must go and wash my hair and get dressed. I am not usually this lazy honest… in fact got a busy day clearing a bedroom out for decorating…
have a good day and keep in touch…
Hi all
Had my loading dose of Hercepin yesterday. It was fine, I don’t know what I was worried about. They had trouble finding a vein but that’s usual for me. I had to stay for 4 hours afterwards but that was OK, I had a reclining chair, lunch provided and olympics on the telly…it was almost better than being at work…lol !!!
I feel fine today, so if it stays like this it will be a breeze.
It’s a beautiful sunny day in Staffordshire, hope you all have the sun too.
Polly xx
Hi Polly
so far so good with me to. i do get hot and cold flushes not bad and a littleshiver but not sure if thats my age the tamoxifen or herceptin. Its nothing to bother me though. One night i did wake up with funny pains my heart side. It kept me awake all night. but gone next day…The hospital also gave me some tablets to come home with if i felt sick… havent needed them. i had a bad night last night feeling sick butthats as my daughter had pains as overdue with baby…i do worry… it wont be long before i start feeling a bit funny as dose number 2 is nearly here 2nd… i cant believe how quickly weeks go… will a year be over before we know it… lets hope so. i do see on here people get side effects from 5th to 8th but dont read anything else. Chemo was bad. what was your diagnosis as you stopped like me. i stopped after no 4.
take care and have a gt bank holiday.
julie. x x x
Hi all
I had my loading dose last Friday and I have this wierd throaty thing when I breathe, not quite a cough, but I feel as though I need to clear my throat. Herceptin or just one of those things?
Polly xx
Hi Polly
I didn’t have any throaty feeling. I have read you can get sniffles etc. Were you near any air con as that always gives me a throaty thing if their too long… I wish you well keep in touch.
Hi Kay.
I weighed in four pounds less this week so a good start. I had a bad weekend picking etc and that will tell next weigh in… The reason my daughter gave birth to my granddaughter on Sunday and i had her two year old. So it was snacks sweeties all the nice things. Who can blame us… So will be strict this week. May even start a bit of exercise round the block nightly. Well its a thought…
Have a good week all of you…
Julie xx
hi ladies
could do with abit of advice due tohave first herceptin on thursday,got a cold and nasty cough ive got antibiotics and they seem to be working also due to have my two grandaughters aged 3 and 5 for the weekend [have been looking forward to that for months] not sure if i should delay hjerceptin for a wk hosp said see how i feel thursday morning but i dont want to have it if its going to make me feel worse any thoughts
thanks sandra
Hi Sandra.
my unit always rings the day before to check how i am. i have had no side efect yet and dose no 2 is due tuesday. i have just worked out its thursday and i am too late replying. i hope if you had it it all went well and you are ok. if you didnthave it whenwill you. enjoy your grandchildren. i have a two year old little grandson and i was very lucky because on sunday i got a little grandaughter. they only live rround the corner so see them daily.
take care and keep in touch.
hi julie
didnt have heceptin today as i have still got chest infection,so having it monday,
congrats on new grandaughter i cant wait to have mine,they also only live a mile away so i see them nearly ever day but love having them to my self.
hi Sandra
sorry didn’t make it this week and good luck for Monday…i have my grandson for a couple of hours at time but i haven’t been up to any longer and it broke my heart as he at lovely are. i don’t get much sleep at moment and he wakes up in the night so i couldn’t cope… i am busy decorating a spare room. i am working way through house. the next spare room is going to be a children’s theme and then perhaps when done i will pluck up courage to have him stay. i was all set to have him when my daughter went into labour but it didn’t happen. she had pains at 05.30 went into hospital at09.30 she was born at ten to two pm and home at 5.30 so didn’t really effect my grandson or me at all. have a good day. where abouts are you. its dull and a bit of nip in the air today.
Hi Julie,
Congratulations on your new arrival. Bet the champers etc did nothing for the weight watchers plan?!
I am still stuck at a plateau but to be honest I haven’t had much time to dwell on it as other things have happened over the coure of the last 2 weeks that are a priority.
We went to Chatsworth country fair on Sunday. Had a lovely time , weather nice and had some “family time” - unfortunately when we got back to the car someone had crashed into it and damaged it then driven off without acknowledging the fact. On the positive …a witness saw him do it and got his details so I hope it will all sort itself out. It is just what I didn’t need to do - all the phone calls …paperwork etc.
I have had a call from the specialist Herceptin nurse to say that she has had my heart/echo stuff readings back and they are fine to start the treatment. (when I saw her last week they had given her the wrong persons notes…another lady with same surname so couldn’t find out at the time).
I must admit it has been nice having no appointments/bloods etc for a week or two. I still have to have my line flushed weekly but I just tie it in with going to the shops and a local coffee morning so no big deal really.
I have been applying on-line for a new job. Haven’t pressed send yet. will wait til nearer the closing date.I hope that my work will be able to re-deploy me ’ so I suppose I am just hedging my bets really. I have another 4 weeks left of my sicknote and all being well I hope to go back then if they can find me something. What about you…are you back at work?
I would love to give up completely and just do volunteer work etc but need to pay the mortgage and didn’t have any protection…
I have booked myself a hair trim next week at the hairdresser inside the Christie hospital…hope she is ready for “action man meets ed the duck”,
Saw your post on your sore side so hope you are improving or at least getting the pain dealt with,
cheers for now,
Kay x
Hi Kay.
Had herceptin no 2 yesterday and it was gt so far. It was nice to have hospital stay halved. I am trying to get my hospital to pay for me to have healthcare at home give me herceptin from next dose onwards.They haven’t referred anyone to date so here’s hoping. my consultant new nothing about it but was interested. said it would be good for me and passed it onto clinical manager. so lets hope. next dose due 23rd Sept…
weight watchers did go a bit ski wif with the new arrival but i still managed to loose one and half pounds. i had a really bad day yesterday. treatment at 12 and hours drive so no time for andfood to early to eat b4 went. i picked when i got home for rest of day and evening. woke this morning and got to get back on track…
sounds if you had a much deserved day out but what a shame about the car… i hope you get it sorted. i bet he will be shocked to be traced when thought he had got away with it…
good news you are OK to start treatment. have you a date yet… i agree time with no apt is a luxury isn’t it. i had 6 weeks off from chemo end to herceptin start and it seemed a lifetime…
have you sent that job application off. what do you do now and what was job for… i don’t work anymore… typical i decided to give up last September and spend time doing house up and with grandson now granddaughter as well. but all that changed as five days later i had my mammogram and this… so know work. luckily we have nearly paid off mortgage and now all three children have brought houses etc we are saving a bit… taken us 30 years. ha ha.
have you managed any holidays. i am starting to look for after treatment but cant decide where to go or who with. a relaxing time with son and girlfriend or hectic time with daughter and family… this year was going to be a good one for us as married thirty years we were going to cape Verde. and then i was 50 so having a holiday with family to Bulgaria. both of which had to be cancelled.
i did post about my soreness. and everybody seems to be the same so now i feel normal i don’t worry… i have also been a lot better since walking round my block (15 min very quickly) my arm seems free er. so perhaps it was exercise i needed not physio…
well best get on. going to sand spare bedroom no 2 walls down ready for decorating. my son and girlfriend have said they will do it. my husband don’t get time… i didn’t want it started this week as my husband off to work in France for a week and i got my mum coming to stay from Scotland. so had enough going on. still if i say no they would be offended.
take care have a good day.
Julie xx