Anyone with a similar dx?

Hi there,

My sister was diagnosed last July with stage three BC with 6.5cm IDC, 17/26 nodes, oestrogen and progesterone negative and HER2+++, she 24. She had the tumor removed before chemo (3xFEC &3xTAX) which she finished at christmas and is now awaiting surgery, herceptin to follow. Just wondering if anyone has a similar diagnosis at this age? Is it very rare?


Sorry I can’t help as I am one of the older ones but maybe you should try the ‘younger women’ forum. I am sure you will get help there.
Love Debsxxx

Hi englishc

You and your sister may find our publication aimed at younger women diagnosed with breast cancer helpful to read whilst you await replies, as Debs has suggested, you may receive more replies if you also post in the ‘younger women’ forum. If you have any problems doing this I can do it for you if you let me know here. The following link will take you to the information mentioned above:

I hope this helps.

Best wishes