Well I’m now one week post last treatment. Skin is still pink but holding up, the nipple is still sore especially around my scar which is still rather deep. The rash has faded but still there, so treating with moisturiser and hydrocortisone when itchy. I still have some swelling in the breast.
At the start of treatment the Radiotherapy Consultant referred me to the lymphodema nurses as I had swelling in the breast and cording in my arm. I saw the lymphodema team yesterday, the nurse wants to tape my breast but we have to wait for the side effects of the radiotherapy to go first. I mentioned that I’d booked a holiday in a couple of weeks, apparently that’s very good for recovery, but not so good for lymphodema! So now I have to wear a sleeve and glove for the flight and whilst away. ? But on a positive, swimming acts the same as a compression sleeve so I will need to spend most of my holiday in the pool.
If I carry on with my exercises everyday (I think forevermore) I should be able to control any further swelling with a glove and the massage. Hoping the taping will smooth out the breast.
Has anyone else been left with a odd shape boob with their op? I was warned that the radiotherapy would make it worse.
Hope everyone is doing ok, keep moisturising and keep those arms moving.
Nearly there now.
Dawn hope you have a lovely break and you get your occ health appointments sorted for when you are back.
Hi all thanks again for all the helpful comments people have given me. I am now 12 days post rads… still got brown kind of spots on my boob and boob is itchy I have some kind of gel so will put a bit of that on before I go to bed. Day went ok. still feeling tired also struggling to come to terms with the mess of my body with one boob smaller than the other and nipples different colours and one higher than the other . and scarring under my arm seems to come right round to the front looks odd but I know Im lucky as might have had to have a masectomy but still troubled by the mess of my body. Not ready to go back to work as I have a stressful job. Just going to concentrate on building myself up physical and emotionally and hopefully will feel lots stronger when I go back to work in June . xx
I’m now a week post rads. My soreness still seems to be increasing, and my armpit scar, nipple and the underside of my boob seem to be worst. Still slapping on the moisturiser! This morning I don’t feel like I can even put on one of my sleeper bras, so just have loose PJs and dressing gown back! I’m going to try to give it a bit of a rest from even cotton fabric under my arm today.
My nipple is very dark brown and hard and nobbly a lot of the time, which seems to be similar to other people’s experience. That’s reassuring as I was a bit worried about it.
The shape of my boob has changed a bit, but not too much I don’t think. I was lucky to have a very small tumour and quite big boob, so I guess there was more scope to take it without changing the shape so much! I knew there had to be a silver lining somewhere! My tumour was on the top of my boob, so it’s kind of flat now, where my scar is, but not too different in shape and I think when I can wear a normal bra it will be pretty much disguised.
Dawn, I had my OHS review last week and they told me that six weeks off from when you finish rads is normal and they would not even discuss a return to work plan. They wanted a further review in four to six weeks, to agree a plan and expected me to return to work approximately mid June. I was a bit surprised at the time, but now my boob has got significantly worse, and might do again over the next week, I’m feeling very relieved!
This is is a long old process isn’t it?! And I’m so grateful to all of you for sharing information so that I know what I’m experiencing is “normal” in this strange, abnormal bc world!
Is any working through the Radiotherapy and if so how are they finding it. I have done 7 out of 15 and am tired usually by the night but managed to go to work either before or after each session so far. People say that fatigue hits in towards the end or within the two weeks afterwards. I know everyone is different but do you think that is is possible to work all the way through. Thanks. Alison
Hi Alison. I am going into school most days but usually after 12 to fit round radio and my current deep dislike of hours before 10am! I am reallt tired though and normally need a nap in the afternoons x
Hi Alison I’ve now done 16 of 20. I’ve been working through, 4-6 hours a day in the office depending what time my appointments is. I can’t deny that I wish I didn’t have to. I’m shattered. It’s doable but I’m struggling now. I’m taking leave for the week after I finish as I’ve been told that the fortnight after is when fatigue peaks and I don’t want to have to worry about work or how my sick leave is racking up. X
Hi Corinna I did think I looked different after my wle in october but it seems to have settled down now .Now its the effect of the rads on the nipple which looks really odd but Im hoping that will settle down in time .I think we notice these things more than other people do anyway .have a good weekend everyone
I’m working too until I need to leave for my appointment. I’ve done the odd telecon after my appointment but frankly I’m too knackered. The last two days I’ve taken a nap after the appointment and felt loads better afterwards, so I’m aiming to try and do that each day now and work will just have to wait. My boss is reasonably understanding, HR have been great.
I’m on day 9 out of 15. I’ve also been able to keep up my lunch time gym sessions, although I’m starting to flag slightly on those, I really think they are helping me get through the course of treatment. In the morning I feel pretty much OK.
Thanks Kaspar, Jacquie48 and Snail888 for your replies. I am glad it is doable. I think I will try and see how things go and if need be take time off afterwards when everyone says the fatigue hits. xx
I am halfway through radio at the mo, already have rash of red spots/blisters under and over left boob - very itchy and a bit sore. Using aloe vera and cortisone as well as antihistamine which helps. Was worried about the burn as we plan to go on holiday 17 June and have another 1.5 weeks of radio to go. Previously had radio for merkel cell cancer 2013/2014 and had a terrible burn then groin/thigh but they dont expect this to be as bad as the radio isnt as strong or as long. Already feeling tired though. Am supposed to go to pilates at 12 but not sure I want to get up! Also they said dont swim cos of chemicals in the water but should be OK if radio isnt til Monday? I have a tub of epaderm which I like aquaphor - same thing I think. Will try using that. I think some people with more sensitive skin get a worse rash/burn. Also breast getting lumpier.
My armpit is still so sore that’s a week after I finished. It’s sore like chapped lips. I have bought calendula nappy cream and bepanthen which is giving some relief but I am hoping it clears up soon as it’s affecting my sleep. I also thing the seroma is causing some pain especially if I lie down. It’s all really horrible:(
Did anyone else have 34 lymph nodes removed? Just reflecting now on what ive been though and feel upset that they took so many out when they only knew for sure I had cancer in one of them. it turned out that was the only lymph node which had any cancer in it. feel so upset now they took so many out and now I will always be at risk of lymphodema. Also I had my surgery on the 31st Jan followed by 3 wks of radiotherapy and they only did radiotherapy to the breast not the armpit and dont understand why. My arm is still uncomfortable and stiffens if I havnt done my exercises so Im having to keep doing them. Also although I fnshed my Rads 4 wks ago the skin on my breast stil has some brown spots( a bit like scabby mole}however some of them have now flattened out so just look like big freckeley age spots. The nurse at hospital had said it shuld nly take 3wks to heal so Im wandering why it is taking so long for me.
Has anyone else had so many lymph nodes removed?and then not had any radiotherapy under the arm?
Hello Corinna .I had 16 removed which were clear too .I was told that everyone has a different amount of nodes .I only had radiotherapy to the breast too. Before this there was a big debate about whether I should have removal or just radiotherapy to breast and armpit .It was a difficult decision to make !I too still have some stiffness to the arm.Its not there all the time but will mention it at my check up on Thursday…My skin has just settled down …Do you have a check up coming up soon ?
Followed some advice given to me by a friend and have soaked in hot baths with Epsom salts for a week and gentley rubbed the sore skin off. Fired carefully and covered in nappy cream. 6 days on and it’s really healing nicely and I can move my arm without it really stinging - there is hope xc