Arimidex etc.
Arimidex etc. Hi everyone,
There are more reports of the studies concerning arimidex. I have been on Tamoxifen for 3 years come next April. I have a check up appointment mid December and don’t know whether to try to get switched.
Has anyone else been changed on the strength of the trial results rather than for medical reasons (cause they have problems with Tamoxifen etc) as I thought that the go ahead had been given for it to be used for early postmenopausal cases. Does anyone know if the studies suggest it is better to just take Arimidex or to take Tamoxifen followed by Arimidex?
There is so much written about it that I am somewhat confused.
Arimidex etc Hello Di
I agree about the confusion re Tamoxifen versus Arimidex/Aromasin. I had read that taking Arimidex initially was better than either Tamoxifen for 5 years or Tamoxifen for 2, switching to Arimidex. When I put this to my oncologist he said that Tamoxifen for 2 years, then Aromasin was the best. But, interestingly, when I attended a Support Group at my hospital I discovered that the same oncologist had started two other ladies on the aromatase inhibitor (one Arimidex and one Aromasin) and no Tamoxifen at all! One had her surgery one month after me, and the other 2/3 months later. Don’t know if he had found some more up to date research or if there was another reason - haven’t been able to ask him, as I haven’t seen him since early November last year!
Marie C
Arimidex v Tamoxifen Hi. I’m still in the throes of chemo so haven’t posted here before! It’s just that I noticed this topic and thought I’d throw in my tuppenceworth. When I was dx I went on pubmed (medical research papers on the web) and found some research that suggested that Arimidex was best unless you have Prog+ (as well as Oes+) - in which case the best results were from taking Tam for 2 yrs then switching to Arimidex.
Having said that I am Prog and Oes positive and my onc has prescribed just Arimidex. Trying to pluck up the courage to talk to her about it, but it feels uncomfortable to question their treatment judgements, if you know what I mean
All the best
Just realised where I am Must be the chemo! When I posted above about not posting here I thought I was on the ‘after treatment is finished’ bit.
Still it is 2.30 am.
For Moley Don’t ever be frightened of questioning treatment judgments. It is your body and your life. I was told that I ‘keep them on their toes’ with all the research I do. But I am fortunate in that if my onc does not know the answer to a question, then he knows a man (a professor of onc) who does!
Good luck.
Arimidex vs tamoxifen Hi Di,
I was dx Jan 2003 with idc, stage and grade 2, 4/18 lymph nodes affected. After chemo and whilst undergoing radiotherapy I was put on tamoxifen. I had no noticeable side effects. When I saw a different Oncologist in Feb 2004 he switched me to Arimidex - didn’t explain why and I didn’t ask, since I had read reports around that time that Arimidex was much better in preventing recurrences and I was grateful to be getting the latest treatment. I was ER+, HER2-, PR wasn’t done for some reason.
I had a total hysterectomy in 1991 so am not early postmenopausal.
I don’t see the Onc anymore, but am seeing my bc surgeon today for results of biopsy done 2 weeks ago for possible IBC. I will ask him how long I will be on Arimidex. I would guess that Arimidex doesn’t prevent recurrences in everyone and perhaps I am unlucky.
Take care. Liz.
Thank you… for your replies it really does seem to be a bit of a minefield. I will let you know what the BC surgeon says when I see him in a couple of weeks.
Thanks Mcgle i will def mention to my onc (who is a very approachable woman) about the research xxx