arimidex side effects

Good luck Rosemary x

Following right mast, 8 chemo and 15 radio, I started Arimidex in January 2008. No side effects to report. Maybe this is because I was already 10 years post menopause when diagnosed.

My tumours were oestrogen and progesteron postive and Her-2 positive, so I am also having Herceptin.

I am LESS hairy if anything…hardly any on legs or underarms, very little on pubic area and even my eyebrows are scanty! Head hair is OK but curly!

As for weight, I have put on 6lbs, notably around the middle, but as I was only 7st 1lb when I started, I ain’t going to fret about it.

Good luck all


Hi ladies

I started Arimidex (after 2 years Tamoxifen - ovaries removed 1 year ago) 6 or 7 weeks ago. Didn’t think I was having side effects at first - already have dreadful hot flushes/night sweats anyway, but have noticed I am feeling very low mood generally, tired all the time, achey at times, and very sore and tender feet first thing in mornings and when I get up after sitting for a while. All seems to have crept on since I started Arimidex, although I never really know what to attribute to what these days - it’s all a bit of a hazy blur (oh yes - forgot to mention my brain went to mush and stayed that way after chemo!!). Am hoping this will improve as some people seem to find the side effects reduce after a while - if not, then I may consider going back on Tamoxifen, but will give it a few months as I believe this is an effective drug post menopause. In general though, I feel really old, tired and lifeless (just turned 40!), and this is making me miserable. Am trying to give myself a big kick up the bum and get on with life, but really difficult when feeling so yuk!! Take care you all. X

Hi Ladies
I have been on Arimidex since Sept 07. I am 62 so hot flushes are to too bad, brain mushy but I blame 6x FEC for that. In March 08 I started taking High Strength Cod Liver Oil with vitamin D & E ( 7Seas) I read an article where arthitis sufferers took this and some were able to reduce the amount of pain killers they needed. It has to be the one with Vitamins D & E not the cheaper ones at Barretts but for me it reallyworks, most mornings now I dont feel any pain or stiffness.
Take care all X