arm problem ten years post mastectomy

Can anyone help? I am ten years post mastectomy, now 46. I seem to have developed a very painful wrist, which was first diagnosed as a fracture. After a bone scan I was told there was no fracture. The pain continued, sharp pains especially at night. My gp said it be the start of carpel tunnel syndrome. It is on the same side as my surgery. Is there a link? I dont have arm swelling, but the top of my arm appears lumpy compared to my right one. Is this due to surgery? Had some glands removed but not all.I have an implant that was changed last year.

It could be something like tenosinovitis which can mimic a scaphoid fracture.I have had this and it is very painful especially if you lean on to your hand (to get up off the floor etc) It did go away with anti-inflamatories and a wrist splint but flares up every now and then.
I am pretty sure it won’t be related to your mastectomy,but it is a worry isn’t it?

it could be a number of issue all of which require orthopedic review - I would ask for referral to an orthopedic surgeon ASAP - it could be carpel tunnel, de-quirvens, fractured scaphoid - basically you need to see a specialist
hope this helps Rx