armpit swelling


I had my mast and snb in september, but am still having an enormous amount of pain in my arm pit, have no feeling at all on the back of my arm and armpit still feels like I have a ball underneath it. Is this normal and has anyone else had this?

Any info would be nice.

Thanks Heather

Hi Heather

After my total lymph clearance I had some pain for quite a while along with a numb feeling.
The pain was bearable though. If you have had a lymph clearance you may have something called ‘Cording’ perhaps you should contact your BC nurse to have this checked out.
I had a Mastectomy last Sept too and have some pain at the top of my arm on the underside, again this is bearable. I have done some exercises I was shown at the time and this has helped relieve the discomfort.

Take care.


Hi Sweetheart

Breast Cancer Care have written a booklet called ‘Your operation and recovery’ which you may find hepful to read as it contains information about some of the symptoms you can expect following breast and axillary surgery, you can read it via the following link:

Please feel free to call our helpline for further information and advice on 0808 800 6000 which opens Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes