
Hi All
have been on Aromasin now since nov,oncologist changed me over from Arimidex due to a new localised recurrence,we are to continue with this drug for the time being, due no drastic change in ct scan results,am to have mri scan before going back to clinic at end of month,I’m having alot of discomfort within chest wall and upper right arm, my breast care nurse is coming to visit me re pain control.
so for now must carry on regardless

Hi there ladies I read all the comments with interest just a thought but I was told these drugs can make you bleed (like a period ) so maybe the only way to tell if your post menapausal would be a blood test.

I started on Arimidex about 3 weeks ago and wondered if my sore mouth and pain in my jaw could be a side effect!has anyone else had this also I think I may have a gland up don’t feel ill though.

One post on here said her onc said at least he knows its working when she told him of her horrible side effects does that mean if some people are thinking how lucky they are to get away with them then maybe its not working can’t win can we!!!

I’m still waiting to hear when rads start had vaginal ultra sound the person that did the scan was lovely very young she said she found a polyp maybe thats what my doc wants to see me about as I had a phone call from the surgery asking me to go down in the morning no more ops I pray. Sorry for the rant take care everyone.

Love Linda xxx

Hi All

I was changed to Arimidex from Aromasin nearly 2 months ago and there is no improvement in my pain, in fact it feels worse. If I stand or walk on my feet for any longer than 10 minutes, the discomfort is terrible. It feels like there is no skin on my feet, only bone and my wrists/elbows/knees all hurt.

Has anyone had an improvement after a while on Arimidex? I’m considering asking to be taken off it because it is quite debilitating but I don’t know what the alternatives could be now?

Cecelia. x