Hi, I just found this blog page looking for info on degenerative arthritis after chemo. It’seels Im not alone with joint pain. Her2 positive 24 does of chemo and 1yr of herceptin. My fatigue level is through the roof, joint pain and stiffness, every day something new seems to hurt. It’s crazy. I have not seen a neurologist yet, but hAve just started with a rheumatologist. They haven’t confirm if it’s RA, lupus, fibromialgia or just degenerative arthritis.
I suffer from depression, anxiety and brain fog. Only 48 and feel 90 most morning. I hope this is not my new normal, that with time side effects will subside. Best to all
Hammer I too am struggling with my lungs post rads & have spent the last 6 months coughing the whole time. I was told by the Onc nothing to do with rads, but I think different …I didn’t cough like this before, so why should I now? Have had to massively increase the dose of my puffers too. Blinking BC xx
Waveylocks my sister sent me this link about stick on hair. Sounds mad but read it, it really mad the lady feel like she had hair again. I didn’t do it because I thought it might damage the growing hair, but if yours has gone semi or completely permanently it could be a good option. The hardest bit of this whole thing for me was the hair loss, so I read your story with horror & huge amounts of empathy. It must be absolutely devastating. They don’t tell you that it could affect your hair permanently & they really should. Apparently that is just docetaxol not paclitaxel. Why couldn’t the latter be the standard treatment so no one has to go through what you have. No doubt more expensive. Why is everything about money these days. Grrrr.
Anyway all the best xx
Yes they definitely should! They know if women knew the real percentage that they would refuse it & request something else. I was originally scheduled for Docetaxel, then got converted to weekly PAC because of horrific reaction to FEC. I later read that 5% may never grow back, but I would view even 1% as unacceptably high. Sorry I didn’t realise it was so exorbitant when I suggested it. I just liked the sound of washing & styling your hair per normal & the fact you don’t have to see yourself with no hair. Have a lovely weekend. xx
I too was triple negative cancer and had T-FEC chemo (1 Fec & 2 etc as floriculture chemo caused heart failure)
Chemo finished start Feb 2016 but I saw my gp in April 2016 as pain in hips and left knee… X-ray showed it was moderate osteoporosis in both hips, severe osteoporosis in left knee and spurs on left shin!! None of which was there pre-cancer/chemo.
I swim 4-5 times per week and that is helping knee and hips but now got pain and stiffness in two fingers on right hand. Argh!!
Such a relief to hear of so many having similar issues! I thought I was going insane, gp says exercise more, you’re not young anymore-all the usual rubbish reasons for the osteoarthritis in knees, hips, shoulder and hands, the fatigue, crumbling teeth- the list goes on. Doesn’t matter that I was fitter and healthier than ever prior to chemo. I also was stage 3 HER2+ and had mastectomy, 3 docetaxEl, 3 FEC, herceptin, radiation, tamoxifen which was changed to anastrozole after hysterectomy but it was nasty stuff. Had neutrapena sepsis resulting in a week in hospital after docetaxel. But it’s still just my age - I’m only 52! Some days I even wondered if its in my head, not even family really understands - until I saw thsee posts. Thank you. Its so good to know it’s not just me.
I’m very glad I found this site. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in May 2016 at the age of 43 (I’m 44 now). I finished chemo in September and am going through radiation now. About 2-3 weeks after I had surgery (lumpectomy and axillary node dissection), I found my hands would be extremely stiff in the morning - to the point where I couldn’t even clench a fist. They loosen up a bit during the day, but never feel “normal”. I’ve noticed the stiffness in my wrists as well as in my hips and knees, but it’ not as bad in those areas. I’m also dealing with neuropathy in my hands. Something that didn’t really bother me untiil I was 3 months removed from my last chemo infusion. I’ve always assumed this will eventually go away as the toxicity leaves my body, but reading some of your stories I see I need to stay on top of this and press my doctors for more answers. Thanks to all of you for sharing, and sending healing vibes to everyone!
Hello Dear Amero,
Your story is exactly the same as mine. My Knees, Legs have ached terribly since my Chemo treatment in 2009, I had bilateral knee replacements in August 2016 and it is only just now 4 months later that I’m starting to get some comfort in my legs. So that’s 7 years of pain.
I believe my cancer treatment program hastened up my osteoarthritis in my knees. The pain was unbearable and I have had to take Endone and others for the pain. I had every test, X-ray, scan and MRI available and we couldn’t work out what was cuffing the pain and then I just happen to see a sign advertising free knee checks during one of my visits to our hospital which lead to my operations.
I hope that things continue to go well, still in a bit of pain but mostly coming from a preexisting back problem but at least I can walk a little now.
Hugs to you and all here asking questions.
Psknights L glutamine can get rid of peripheral neuropathy if you Google L-glutamine & paclitaxel induced PN. It got rid of mine in about a week. xx
Hi everyone! I am glad to have found you too. I have lumpectomy, chemo and rads for 4 weeks. During the Summer my feet and hands were so swollen that I had to carry another pair of sandals and flip flop as well to change the pressure. I also have pain in my ribs, under my bra. Was it arthritis-like? Or arthritis? Could the pain be a sign of a secondary bc? Panicked, I summoned courage and went to see my GP. “Lose weight” she said. How enlightening. I am a bit overweight but not that much!!! Don’t see how weight has anything to do with sausage-like fingers or painful ribs and struggling with bras! Anyway I joined Weight Watcher, weight going down, but pain on ribs still bad, and pain in joints and legs aahhrrr? So I am back on the forum to get some support and perhaps some insight as to what is happening: Chemo? Rads? Or anastrozole side effects? If anyone manages to ask an oncologist and to get answer(s) please let us know. If it has “nothing” to do with bc treatments, why was I free from those ailments before my bc treatment?
I also have gone through almost exactly your situation. Although I’m an ovarian cancer survivor, but I joined this group because of the arthritis. My two knee replacements have allowed me to walk but I still have a lot of pain. I have arthritis in my ankles hips and back. I’m very lucky to be alive but I’m trying to think of creative ways to handle the daily pain. Swimming is actually great but our local pool is so cold in the winter it makes it worse. I have not taken stronger medication then Aleve or aspirin suspect I should consider that Any creative off-the-wall ideas?
Saw my oncologist this morning and he said that I have osteo arthritis in both hips. When I asked if it was due to chemo (very aggresive chemo-docetaxol and carboplatin) he brushed me aside. But I just noticed this thread. What is the official line on chemo and arthritis? I had terrible pain in my joints and immobility during chemo and for about 5 months afterwards. Now I just have pain in the right hip, not very bad but wakes me up sometime. Should I go to my GP now?
Hello, I had AC and Taxol chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer ending about a year ago. I started on the long term aromatase inhibitor’s but had terrible joint pain so stopped taking them. After I stopped taking them I continued to have terrible pain in my legs and hips and was referred for an MRI. I was diagnosed with severe arthritis in both of my hips and told I had no cartilage left. I also have been diagnosed with severe bone loss in my mouth and shoulders. I have to have both of my hips replaced and I’m having serious dental problems. Of course I’m glad that the breast cancer is gone but my day-to-day life sucks because of this arthritis that I totally believe it is related to the chemotherapy. Never did I have any arthritis or pain prior to chemo. I am an athlete and this has really put a crimp on my life. I’m stunned that I was not better informed about the possible side effects of the chemo. I can’t say that I would’ve traded being cancer free for being crippled.
I’m mad
Hi, I have not had chemo but have osteoarthritis. I have noticed that for me, tomato based sauces seem to aggravate my arthritis causing more pain in my thumbs and neck. Some people react to dairy foods. It might be worth you keeping a food diary to help see if any make your condition worse. It could possibly make your lives a little more comfortable if you identify any triggers. Good Luck.
Hi I’m new to this site. I had triple negative breast cancer, aged 37, I am now about to have my second total hip replacement next Monday! Having worked in a Breast unit since I was diagnosed, I am well aware of all the ladies who have to have hip replacements due to them having had chemo and the dr have said it’s a side effect. I know it’s not ideal situation to be in, but I count my blessing that I am alive and well. Wishing everyone health and happiness xx
This is an interesting thread. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis recently & my gums have definitely receded after chemo, leaving me with dental issues. My fingers & toes hurt in the morning & my knees when I exercise. I did not have any of this straight after chemo, it all started when I took tamoxifen. Could have been a delayed reaction from the chemo. I’m too scared yo see the GP in case he says it’s arthritis. x
What a great post Wren…I need to listen to this at the moment, my body is feeling a bit rubbish with one thing and another.And a KNIGHT sweat?! That’s the sort of sweat I need!!
Bibi I sympathise.I am having dental issues and bone shrinkage in my mouth and jaw.Dentist has said I may lose some teeth…one of my worst fears! So I guess I’m being tested on my strength lately.
Oh my gosh so much rings true here…
aged 49 diagnosed in Aug 2015 with invasive Ductal cancer grade 3. Lumpectomy and SNB, T-FEC chemotherapy and bilateral mastectomy in April 2016 (full scar line revision in Dec 16 & Mar 17)
After the chemotherapy I was still experiencing joint pain so gp referred me for x-rays and rang me to advise I now have moderate osteoarthritis in both hips, severe osteoarthritis in knee and spiky bits on tibia!
Prescribed tramadols for pain relief, given crutches to take weight off joints.
Started swimming 3 weeks after double mastectomy and swim 4 times per week which helps but I still struggle and pay for it if I walk 5000 steps!
Wren thanks for that huge post. Very interesting indeed. I was doing a lot of exercise every day but recently went back to work & its harder to fit in. Joints are definitely worse so I will make myself make time. Treeless sounds horrific, you poor thing. I don’t remember hearing arthritis as one of the side effects. I do feel a bit upset about this permanent damage but just get the brush off from my onc who says it’s because I’ve gone from pre to post menopausal xx