Hi just back from my hospital appointment regarding starting chemo.
I Have been asked if I want to take part in the Avastin trial for neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. Home with information to read up on it.
Has anyone else entered this trial? or heard anything about it?
Amy info appreciated
Nicola xx
Hi Nicola,
I am on the avastin trial, to be honest the only rreason I went on it is because you get more scans and check ups than you would normally, you see someone every 6 months for 10 years! I’m on arm A of the trial which is the satandard FEC-T cycles just the other way around so docataxel first and then FEC rather than FEC and then docataxel, so unfortunately I can’t help you regarding the other drug avastin. To be totally honest you have nothing to lose and even if you get the additional drug avastin that can only be good as you are getting more thrown at it!
Thanks Sara for reply.
I have looked through the information. Like you I was thinking of going ahead with it not because of the drug but because of the extra care.
How far on are you with you treatment if you dont mind me asking and how are you finding the chemo?
Nicola xx
Hi Nicola,
I’ve had 2 docataxel (due 3rd on Tuesday) and so far it’s not been too bad, if you can try and keep to your normal life as possible they say you are less likely to suffer bad side effects. The main onees with docataxel seem to be flu like symptoms and achy bones which go after about 4 days, this is the stronger chemo than fec so its quite good to have it first, also it shrank my lump after the first dose! Personally I would go for it (obviously because I have!)
Sara x
Hi Sara
My OH and I have talked it through and have decided to go ahead with the trial.
Glad to hear that your side effects are not too bad. Also great that it shrunk after 1st dose that must feel pretty good!! My lump over 4cm so would be great to feel it shrinking.
I have two girls 7 and 4 so think they will keep me to my normal life style. Also my OH has two boys 8 and 3.
You have given me hope that I will manage to carry on my day to day stuff with our 4 horrors, ha ha!!
Thanks Nicola xx