Avoiding Crowds

I have been a total hermit this 2nd week after 1st chemo. The nurse mentioned this is when u r vulnerable to infections, etc. I have got the cabin fever…ewwwww. I am wanting to go to the grocery store even…anywhere. Luckily this week I have felt quite good so next week I oughta feel gr8!

How much do you protect yourself the 2nd week? Am I going overboard? I just didn’t know what to expect this first time. I sound silly I know but I just didn’t wanna get sick.

Hope all of you are feeling well! *hugs*


Hi Lee

Nobody ever said anything to me about crowds. Just go for it! You will be fine. Reckon the more you let it get to you, the worse it will seem. I go to the hospital for chemo on the bus.

Good luck and be as normal as possible



Hi Lee

I go to work every day on the bus. And today in London with the strikes it’s as crowded as hell. But I am careful, if I hear anyone sniffing or anything I move away quick smart.

Going to the shop is really not going to harm you. I bought the Cuticura Hand Hygeine Gel which I slap on constantly as I bite my nails but generally I think you should be OK.

Get yourself out for a walk, it’ll do you good. Just watch out for those sneezes.

Cecelia. x

Hi Lee

Firstly sounds like you’re doing really well, as you say next week you’ll feel even better!!

You are very sensible to stay away from vulnerable situations. My neutrafils were so low each time that once my Doctor phoned me to remind me how nasty it could get if I caught something, plus you get all geared up in your mind to get another chemo treatment out of the way and having a delay is quite demoralising.

Check with your chemo nurse or breast care nurse about going shopping, can anyone help you with this? I know immunity drops after about 7/10 days but in my case it took a while to build up again to best to check with the experts.

I had my chemo over winter so didn’t feel like going out much anyway, but hopefully if the nice weather continues you can at least go for a little walk or sit in the shade.

The reaction to treatment tends to follow a pattern each time, but I did find that as the sessions went on I got more tired so get lots of rest and spoil yourself!!

I wish you well with your continued treatment, it really is worth it in the end, and you are not being silly at all.

Take care of yourself and all the best with the other sessions



HI Lee,
Everyone ‘‘protects’’ themselves in different ways when going through chemo, i personally still went into town and to the supermarket, although i was unable to go into work even socially as i’m a nursery nurse, i tended to avoid the obvious ie., when grandaughter had cold…i went for a walk most days and my friends visited me and i them.
I think its up to you how you decide to protect yourself during chemo, but as long as your sensible i;m sure a little socialising will be ok.

hope your chemo goes well.

karen x

Hi Lee

I did most normal things like going to the shops etc. making sure I washed my hands when I got home etc. I usually commute by train to London for work and I was advised not to do that during chemo because of the nasty germy people I may end up sitting next to !! Luckily I have been able to work from home pretty much and when I needed to go to the office, my company have sent a car each way. I was told that if I worked locally and drove myself it would have been okay to work if I felt up to it.

As Karen said, everyone deals with it in their own way. Just take sensible precautions. The hand rub stuff is good.

Good luck

Sharon x

Hi Lee

I carried on as normal after both my chemo sessions and been ok. Although got slight cold now. I have two little children under 4, and have had to go out with my 3 yr old to keep her “social life” going with her friends, and been to playgroups etc, shopping, everything as usual really. THe only thing I was cautious about, was if any of my/her friends had coughs/colds or infections of any sort, then would steer clear. But cannot completely isolate yourself, as it won’t do you any good and you need to get out.

We were told food preparation very important, clean hands, surfaces etc. Avoid long contact with family/friends if full of cold etc.

But as someone else has said, everyone is different and you have to “protect” yourself as you feel comfortable.


Hi there…
like everybody else: just normal life. I have asked my daughter to be extra careful in washing her hands, both at school and coming home (she is 11, she can understand), but I have kept going out pretty much every day. I drive my car, but I joined a yoga course, do groceries, go shopping, go to starbucks for coffee… etc etc. If you are feeling well… GO! Happiness is the best antidote, and serenity helps grow your immune system. HA!

I was discussing this with my daughter last night. She works in a care home and sometimes they have some pretty nasty bugs going around - at those times she’ll not be visiting me when I’m on chemo or just after my surgery. Those times it will be her sister’s role!
I did suggest that we keep a hand sanitiser by the front door … but then I got a wee but silly, suggested a huge pit filled with antiseptic, just outside the front door (sheep dip for humans) then, UV light in the front part of the hall!
She said perhaps we should just keep to the sanitiser :frowning: