awaiting results

thanks ladies,
Kazza…well done for getting your first one ticked of the list, my tummy is all over the place, how soon do the side effects start to kick in? i wish this was a dream.

Pottyone, if you have a DCIS, an non-invasive tumour, or even a potentially invasive tumour which has not yet spread to they lymph nodes, you may just have the lumpectomy and rads to prevent a recurrence in that area. Chemo will be recommended only if the results suggest a spread.

Waiting is rotten; I hope your results are good.


Will be thinking about you and fingers crossed for your results xx

Another one in the waiting room. While I’m in here I leap from being distant and disbelieving - “this doesn’t feel like it’s happening to me” - to total headless chicken mode. I’ve had most of my results so I’ve had some of the really good news (no nodes involved - hurrah!) but still waiting for results of re-excision, so could be facing mastectomy rather than “just” WLE.


Posted on behalf of new user peanut

how do you all cope and sound so positive I have to wait for a week to find out results of my core biopsy but they have said not to expect good news so my mind is on overdrive i go from positive one minute to totally negative the next. Tears one minute and total numbness another. Reading all your comments does give me some encouragement thank you all


Hi Peanut

You are in the worst bit which is The Waiting Room.

We’ve all been there and thought about all the terrible things that could be awaiting. We’ve all been scared but we’ve all got through it and so will you.

I too posted on here whilst i was waiting for results and the lovely ladies all reassured me that once i knew where i stood it would be much better. They were right.

It’s the unknown that’s the worst part because naturally you’re thinking the worst. I know they’ve warned you not to expect good news but this is still a wide range of things, some of which are probably not as bad as you are imagining.

Try not to let your imagination run wild and don’t google (you will have everything under the sun according to Google!).

I got some sleeping pills to help me through that part - maybe you could do that.

keep posting - it will get better and we all understand.


I echo what SCACO says. You might also want to talk about it to an uninvolved but very informed person, so do give the helpline a ring, they’re lovely.

The various people on this thread have been let out of The Waiting Room by now and are now posting all over other parts of the forums, which you might get some comfort from knowing. There are informative threads, whinges, moans, panics, humour, help, suggestions, beauty tips and total lunacy, so take a look at the “latest posts” and you’ll find where people are posting, and just join in if you want to. This forum has been a complete lifesaver for me and I’ve actually met some of the other ladies on here. The forums have helped me feel much less alone and when I’ve had my wobbles and got scared, they have been so lovely in helping me through them. We all get frightened, even after getting the diagnosis and treatment, and the support I have had on here has been amazing.

Good luck, and have a virtual hug.


Had my surgical appointment and follow up mammogram on 31 July and was told the result would take four to five weeks!! Said there was a backlog??

I am 3 years since diagnosis but still worry every day about re-occcurance.

Are there any other ladies on the forum from the Leicestershire area who are attending Glenfield Hospital Breast Care Unit and who have had similar experiences.