Awaiting results

I have just been to the docs on Tuesday and he says he thinks I may have IBC. He did a biopsy and I have to go back on 11th October to get my results. I lost my husband to cancer of the osophogus in Jan 2010, I think waiting for the results is the worst thing for me, I now know what my husband went through while he was doing the test and I thought it was bad enough waiting for his results! I’ve been given a lot of comfort reading through these posts and it’s good to know there is life after IBC.

Hi Weme,

I am so sorry that you are going through the dreaded waiting time. It possibly is the worst time of all as you can’t stop your mind going over what the results will be. All you can do is fill your time as much as possible, keep busy, busy ,busy.

So sorry also to hear of your sad loss.

I did not have IBC so cannot comment on that but, this reply will shoot your post back to the top and maybe someone who had IBC will contact you.

Here’s hoping for the best,


Hi weme

So sorry that you find yourself in the awful limbo of waiting for results. You don’t say why your GP suspects IBC but I am impressed that he has arranged the biopsy himself without waiting for a hospital appointment.

I was diagnosed with IBC just over 3 years ago and while you are waiting I would caution you not to spend time searching the Internet. So much of the IBC information is out of date and very scary. Ask any questions you like - there is no such thing as a silly question. I will try and answer any questions. There are a few of us on here who have had treatment for IBC and we are a friendly bunch.

Let us know how you get on


Hi Weme, so sorry you are here waiting for results, we have been where you are now and it’s not nice, but the lovely ladies on here support each other , because they understand, IBC is rare so there’s not many of us on here, but we are here to help and give advice were we can.
A hug and a hand to hold is here for you.
Jean xx

Hi everyone

Thanks for all your kind messages of support. Andie, it wasn’t my GP that suspected, she sent me on an urgent breast clinic appointment, it was the specialist that suspects IBC, at least I think that is what he said, it was a bit of a blur but coming back home afterwards and doing some research on the web (I only look at reputable sites such as this one!) it describes my symptoms spot on, so I think that is what he said.

There were a few questions that I had that I wonder if anyone knows, is it possible that it could be something else such as a simple infection? If it is IBC, would I still be able to continue working through the treatment? I have a holiday booked at the end of November with my Mum going to South Africa (it’s been booked for 6 months!), what are the chances of that still going ahead. I realise that everyone is different and that there is no real answer at this stage of the game to any of these questions, I haven’t told my Mum about my tests - just my sister, and my Mum is preparing in readiness. I know I will need some vacinations to go to SA, should I try and get them done asap or wait and see what the results are?


Hi Weme

Until you get the results back from your biopsy there is no way of knowing for sure what the problem is. There is of course the possibility that you have some other problem, which should also be identified at your appointment. I can only tell you what happened to me. I am a retired lady so the question of working through treatment didn’t occur, although I do know that some ladies manage quite well.
IBC is normally treated with chemo first then surgery then maybe radiotherapy and Herceptin if needed. If your worst fears are realised and you do have IBC they will probably want to do scans to determine if the cancer has spread at all.Treatment is usually started pretty quickly beause as you realise from your investigations IBC is one of the more aggresive ones and they will want to start treatment ASAP. It may be worth asking your GP about having you jabs immediately.

Take care


Hi Weme,
Im another IBC survivor, diagnosed November 08 a few months after Andie who youve already “met”. Im in great health now which is amazing because I made the mistake of looking up IBC straight after coming back from the surgeons appointment, after reading all that out-of-date doom & gloom there wasnt a positive thought in my head. What I would say to you is that if you are put on chemo first(normal for IBC), you will be very prone to infection so this holiday would be quite risky mainly cos of the hours of air travel and maybe your
holiday insurance will no longer be valid, but hey, you might not have IBC after all, I asked was it harder to treat than other forms of BC, I was told no, just harder to diagnose. Come back on and tell
us your outcome, lots of love Mags xxx

well, tomorrow I find out whether I join the club or leave quietly (well, probably not that quietly!) Reading the posts on these forums have been a great help and comfort, I will let you know what they say tomorrow.

((hugs)) to everyone.


Hi Weme

Will be thinking of you today. Whatever happens let us know, either to celebrate with you or extend cyber hugs and as much halp as we can


Hi Andie and everyone else

Well, it seems I’ve joined the club. It’s confirmed as inflamatory breast cancer. CT scan later this week, meet the oncologist after that and straight into chemotherapy asap. So, it looks like I will be looking for a way through the woods very soon and no holiday for me this year. Maybe I will find out what the newts are all about… and a good stiff brandy would go down a treat, even though it’s only 3:30 in the afternoon! I’m sure it’s medicinal!

Reading through a lot of posts over the last couple of weeks has really helped me prepare for the worse, I look forward to all the chats as everyone seems so very friendly on here. I’m not looking forward to telling my 19 year old son, he has just broke up with his girlfriend at the weekend and lost his dad to cancer last year, neither of us are really the sort to share our feelings.


Hi weme

I’m so sorry to hear your news. I hope by now you have had the LARGE brandy to steady yourself a tiny bit. I am 3 years from DX and am now getting on with my life, but am very happy to answer any questions you may have. Don’t worry there are now such things as silly questions. We are here whenever you need us

Take care


Hi Weme

I’m so sorry you’ve had that bad news, as everyone says, the waiting is the one of the worst parts, and once you have a clear plan of action you will feel better.

And a brandy always helps I think.

Best wishes
