AWS Cording

Thanks will try and get some kind of plan in place tomorrow :confounded:

Even if its just getting some pysio myself privately :blush:


The BCN has now arranged an appointment with the Surgeon on Monday so hopefully will get some pysio sorted.

Think when i mentioned that its now going down my chest and have a cord going through my breast she realised it was bad.

The pain is awful :confounded: :scream:


Well at least it’s being taken seriously now . Keep stretching as much as you are able and best of luck for Monday . Xx

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Hi, i had awful cording but found a really useful exercise on YouTube. Basically, raise your arm outwards and and high as you can the flex your wrist. Very painful to start with but didn’t take long to improve. I used to do it 5 or 6 times a day. Suggest you do a search on youtube yourself, theres lots of help on there…much better than any I’ve had from the BCT. Good luck

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Hi all

Thanks for all you messages

I have been referred to pysio and had my armpit drained as had a seroma.

The surgeon was suprised to see cording going through my breast as apparently thats not common. :person_shrugging:

He did mention that he is not suprised I have cording as it was tricky surgery and he had to have a great rumage around in there :scream:


A rummage ? :person_facepalming: Well surgeons on the whole are not known for their charm but that must have really added to the experience for you . I’m glad that you have got something out of your appointment and hopefully they’ll be keeping an eye on you now . Hope your feeling a bit better ? Xx


Crikey…this all sounds scary! Glad lots of you have got relief now. I had axillary clearance yesterday. Surgeon said my nodes were deep and it was brutal to get them out. She did warn me about cording. Ladies, with all your recent experience, is there anyway i can prevent cording from happening please?

Hi, im not really sure you can prevent it but I would recommend keeping your arm active and do all the exercise given to you by the hospital.

Sadly my Cording has got worse and is now going down my left side past the bottom of my rib cage still no sign of a pysio appointment chased it up yesterday it hasn’t even been processed im due to have a double mastectomy on 16th April so wanted it broken down before then so it didn’t get worse after the sugery.

But was told the breast and side cording should break with the surgery. Might ask my surgeon to break them down whilst under, you never know he might do it :thinking:

I really hope your recovery is quick and fingers crossed you dont get cording. X


@kat-jack Thanks for the advice. I hope you get yours sorted soon, but hopefully surgery will sort it. Good luck for the surgery…i hope it goes really well. X

Hi I had Cording after my mastectomy. I was doing the exercises but after 2 weeks still couldn’t move my arm above shoulder height.
At my follow up appointment with the surgeon, he did some sort of deep massage/manipulation right into my underarm while moving my arm into different positions.
It didn’t hurt but did feel weird and a bit uncomfortable, but I couldn’t believe how well it worked! The cording has almost gone and I have a brilliant range of movement still 4 weeks later.
I’m still doing my exercises but if I were you, if asked to be referred to physio.

How have you got on @kat-jack? I did develop cording too. Trying to help it myself as my nurse wasn’t hugely interested either. Hope yours has improved x

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I have my first pysio tomorrow so we will see what happems. Its not got any better and i now have a 2/3cm hard bean shaped lump just above the inside of my elbow and swelling around the inside of my elbow and lower part of my arm. I spoke again to nurse this week and she thinks it could be lymphedema so will see what the pysio says tomorrow. Im so gutted :disappointed:

Im having a double mastectomy on 16th so really wanted this sorted sooner as I’m going to struggle to keep it moving and exercise as much as I have been doing.

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I hope it goes well. Your cording sounds similar to mine except my lower arm isn’t swollen. The pain is worse on inner lower elbow for me. Fingers crossed that the physio can help in time for the surgery. Good luck with that too. X

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Its 2.20am can’t sleep at all tonight :sleepy:
So thought i’d reply about my appointment experience today.

I saw the pysio, she was amazing so lovely i was in there for over an hour.

No lymphedema but at higher risk of it happening throughout my lifetime. Not heard that before but at least im all good now.

Arm movement better now. Best thing though is she is seeing me again 4 weeks after my Masectomy to start doing pysio and will see me regularly until required. Yay!!so informative and went through my surgery in detail with pictures and diagrams. Such a positive appointment :smiling_face:

Didn’t dare tell her that my surgen (who i don’t really get on with) said… your cording isn’t really that bad and pysio is a waste of time and it won’t achieve anything :scream: