Best of luck for Thursday. Even though everyone is different it is good to hear what it might be like. Sounds as though I shouldn’t plan anything for 2nd week after treatment and see how I go.
P.S. If after your next treatment you do feel more up for a little project, could you redesign Leicester’s Inner and Outer ring roads please? I get lost every time I have to go to Leicester ;0)
Hi Notts Gal, The first FEC was doable. It was less than three weeks ago and I’ve sort of forgotten. I felt ‘back to normal’ after day 14 but I was back at work day 8 (half day)
What helped was doing exactly what I was told re the drugs they gave me to help with side effects for first three days. Also had my lovely mam to stay who uncharacteristically told me what to do also (Go have a nap, you look tired etc). I ate well and stocked up on Bovril and tomato juice.
You are right to be cautious about work. I think if you are up to going in then do, it helps to keep some things as normal as possible. You are right re driving: You have a right to ‘reasonable adjustment’ under the Equalities Act 2010, should you encounter any problems speak to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, They really helped me over a redundancy threat (ongoing). Your employer might be brilliant though. I’d say wait and see and try not to book anything that you can’t cancel.
I had nothing at all booked in for three weeks but managed to get in and sort out work for week 2. Good job too as one off our schools had an OFSTED and I was able to give some support from the office. It helps a bit that I haven’t had surgery yet and so have been in, most of the time since diagnosis
I’ve planned work again for after FEC#2 but people know that these are tentative and I will cancel if I’m not up to it. My white cells were too low on Tuesday; I’m telling them to rally before recounting tomorrow. I have psyched myself up for round 2 and would be cheesed off if my bloods were not up to it.
Good luck for Monday
Hi Nymeria, I hope all went well at the Oncologists today. Have they given you an indication of the treatment you are likely to get and when you’ll be starting?. I hope you are doing well and that BT broadband is behaving itself. ok.
Hi - glad you are back home from hospital. I understand what you say about your sore underarm after the lymph node removal and the funny feeling when you wash. My op was 3 weeks ago so its getting a bit better but I am faithfully doing my exercises as I think it helps.
I met the Oncologist yesterday and will have hormone therapy for 5 years and radiotherapy. They have left it to me to decide whether I get chemo. I have to see them again next week and let them know my decision. They said there is a 50/50 split and some women definitely want the chemo to complete their treatment and some think they are keeping okay and if the risk is low they don’t take it.