Hi all, I’ve woken up this morning with a bad day feeling I feel sick to the pit of my stomach and a little light headed. I’m sure it’s caused by anxiety and worry. Any tips on how to shake it off other than trying to override with possitive thoughts.
Annie x
Hi annie,
The early days of diagnosis are a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, we’ve all had feelings like this, especially at 3 in the morning.
It does settle down as things are clarified, so it can help to recognise that good & bad days are part of the process at this stage.
The most important thing is, that now it has been diagnosed, the little sod can now be dealt with.
do take care
ann x
I could kill those who say " think positive" in a chirpy voice!
Seriously if you want to reduce your anxiety you should do a few minutes of conscious breathing.
Sit somewhere quiet and comfortable and start by taking a note of a comfortable inhalation. That is become aware of your in breath and how long it takes. Watch it for a few times and then establish a count for it say for argument’s sake it takes 4 seconds. Stay with that 4 second (or whatever you own comfortable count happens to be) and then make your out breath one or two seconds longer.
Do that for a few minutes a couple of times a day and it slows down you brain activity and thereby lowers your anxiety.
People do that when then smoke and say they feel calmer because of the cigarette but really it is just as likely to be that they have concentrated on their breathing for as long as it takes to smoke that cigarette.
I try a relaxing activity, like crochet, colouring book, meditation, visit to a park, call a friend.
I have started a journal, writing down my feelings gets them out.
It helps for a while
Hi Meri, writing a journal did cross my mind this morning actually I think that’s a good idea.
Thanx for the response x
Sorry your going through this. I’m in my nearly 4th week and still get days like this. I’m writing a journal just so that I can keep account of the journey! It is helping. My first week was awful i was so emotionally drained that if I wasn’t laughing I was crying. It’s such a roller coaster of a journey im actually struggling to think how i have kept it all together properly and still been able to function as a mum!! We are all here for each other x x
Hi I k me that feeling well now and have been like it for 3 and a half weeks. Today I went to my local support group who offers free therapies and I decided on reiki I can’t recommend this enough. Might not work for all but certainly did for me. I am not at all spiritual and was very sceptical about it. I went in so stressed and ready to burst into tears. I asked for a massage to get rid of my tension in my shoulders and she recommended this instead. I have not felt so relaxed for weeks. My mind went totally clear and I didn’t have one and thought. I still feel relaxed now and this is usually my worst time to be stressed. And for the first time since diagnosis I actually feel positive and thinking come Wednesday they are going to tell me the best news they can. This morning I wasn’t thinking this way so it’s very strange! Hope i can remain in this frame of mind. Honestly try it if your able too I’ll definitely be having more. Hope your feeling better soon x
*bad thought
I am going to every support group and complimtry therapy offered at McMillan centres locally and in central London.
Meeting other people at various stages of this journey helps so much.
I am nine weeks into this marathon , had lumpectomy and lymph node removal, started Tamoxifen last week, radiotherapy in two weeks.
Its hard work and we so need to have no expectations, not allow others to dismiss our worries, do what we feel is best for us.
I am sticking cards recieved in my journal, positive things as well as my feelings, pictires too.
So its enjoyable.
And I got all my friends and family to gift me a crystal bead which I have made into a healing necklace, as well as some wind chimes type hangings.
I feel like I am being held by all the livovely crystals gifted with love.
I am also starting a new crochet project, I love doing crochet, usually for others, but this will be for me.
Be kind to yourself, find ways you like, anything that supports you, we in this together, not alone.