bad news

thats great news jenny that you are stable , you must be relieved . jenny i did have the cold cap 5 yrs ago alomgside CMF but i hated it so i would rather just keep on with the wigs , but would be gratefull on eyelash and eyebrow links when you find those . i worked out my last chemo was 4 months ago now but i cant get out of my head how it grew so fast in that time while on aromasin , did this happen to you or anyone ??? makes me worry when i do the next chemo and stop ,it this will happen again . oh lord if we could all get NED ans stay there .
love and hugs Tracy xxxx

Great news Jenny enjoy… just great to have some time to do other things and get this thing off your mind for a while… we’re all with you.

hi tracy,

Just to say hang in there although my mets were in my lung i had taxotere and capcitibine couldnt hack the capcitibine but carried on with taxotere and it sure did the trick as i havent had any treatment since then and that was over 3 years ago. I couldnt have any other treatment as im triple neg.

Hope it works as well for you.

Hugs and kisses

Hi Tracy

Just wanted to send you big hugs and lots of love.



wow buzzer , did you have many lung mets ? thats a real inspiration . thankyou.

thanks again for all your replies , i have had a emmotional day today , felt better a couple of days ago then went down again. its so hard this journey eh but to know you ladies are here really really helps . i cant get out of my head this progression tho and when the next chemo ends i will be in the same position . i am sorry to rant , but i feel lost today .
thanks for listening Tracy xx