BC - A Spiritual enlightenment ?

Hi Lemongrove

I enjoyed reading your post re: your faith and would just like to share that since my dx my three f’s have got me through - Family, Friends and Faith. I have been a christian for many years and I can honestly say I don’t know how I would have coped without the knowledge that my life is in God’s hands. As I come to the end of my treatment (2 more herceptin doses to go) I feel vulnerable and live in fear of a re-occurrence but at the same time I draw great comfort from knowing that if those fears are realised then death is not the end but a new beginning.

Freshhair x

It’s interesting to read everyones take on this, and good to know I’m not alone in this.
Prior to my diagnosis, I wasn’t religious (and I’m still not religious in the conventional sense). While I believed in God, I didn’t have any sense of God in my life, and certainly didn’t notice Gods presence in others. But since praying for God to support me, I have felt a real presence. I was talking about this with our local Rector recently, and he suggested that God is with everyone who suffers. I personally believe this is true (although I understand many would disagree), and in a sense, it answers those who say how come God allows these things to happen in the first place.

hi, how lovely to hear of your enlightenment. pre cancer i always thought of myself as a spiritual person. however, since diagnosis 3 years ago i seem to have lost this. not becasue i blame God in anyway. i do not believe it has anything to do with Him. i would love to have a strong faith. i do pray as i have always been a great believer in it,i do not think that you need to believe in a God to pray i think ( and this sounds a bit cranky) that you are sending possitive enegy out into the Universe when you pray.

this is a lovely thread Ive always been a spiritual person & into the angels for may years not religious or church going I was when younger, I believe there is a divine master whoever anyone want to call him Religion in a label I feel puts a cloak of separation around us. But I respect all religions faiths just not for me.

I believe all the things sent us are journeys we need to travel to help us connect with the real person we are. I always thought I was an easy going down to earth person yet Since I was diagnosed, Ive seen so much so differently. My hubby came rushing in the other day moaning someone had keyed his car ok I could understand its not new but he looks after it. I went out he was still ranting & I said ah well never mind not the end of the world its still got wheels & goes thats all that matters, it wasn’t till I walked back in I realized blimey id normally been ranting with him. I take in much more detail of the simplest things now. Even just sitting quietly in the garden with the sun on my face, a strangers smile. The birds seem to sing louder now. So yeah I do feel a presence one of true gratitude. I think perhap us girls going through this journey we been busy doing our girl things wife mums nans & to me it is something maybe saying you stopped caring about YOU ? ! & now its time for you to heal, be stronger find the real you again. The one that got lost & riding along with the busy life

I was brought up in a Christian environment as a child. 5 yrs ago my daughter lost our granddaughter shortly after her birth, I then started to go back to church in a neighbouring village. I now attend my village methodist church, 2 years ago I then joined a group called Al-anon, the support group for people who have a friend or family member who is an alcoholic. Between these amazing people I have met, the support I have been given from both groups and God I am a stronger person. Before I joined alanon I was a compete mess, I have been on anti depression tablets for 20 yr, taken so many counselling sessions but this group made me whole. I pray to the God of my understanding everynight and with my church and family I have strength when things are bad. A friend asked me a question this week, would I rather be the mess I was 3 yrs ago and no cancer, or the confident content person I am today with cancer,my reply , no contest how I am now and cancer. My favourite prayer is
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Thanks lemon grass for starting this thread
BD xx

I don’t post very often at all now, but it is lovely to see the prayers thread being referred to again. I used to post to it and always found it a great comfort.
I hope it will come to the fore again and give posters the comfort it gave and still gives me to read.

“I know God won’t give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish he didn’t trust me so much.”

Love and take care
Thistle xx