Been there, done that but what did you find?

Hi all,
I had my rads at the Mount Vernon hospital. I received my treatment in 3 different rooms, 2 had a zig zag entrance and 1 had a large vault type door. I entered in my normal clothes and undressed to waist, there was no curtain or tissue until I was settled on the bed, then they would measure and place the tissue on before leaving the room. On the last but one session there were two men present and I have to confess that I found this pretty uncomfortable, especially since my notes were delayed and I was left standing were I’d undressed. Other than that the staff were lovely.
It’s been interesting reading others experience.
Caz x

Hi Polly

Just to add that I had my rads at Clatterbridge and found it awful. Yes the reception staff were fine - and the volunteer drivers fabulous - but I found the actual rads staff quite unpleasant. I know they were very busy but they hardly spoke, except to say “hurry up!” I had an all female team and one day there was a problem with their machine so I was sent to one where the team was male - what a difference, they laughed with me and really put me at ease. In hindsight I should have asked to change to them for the rest of the treatment but didnt want to cause any offence or bother to be honest. I wasnt upset by the changing facilities, just the unfriendliness of it all when I was so used to the hospital staff being so kind.
Love Laine

Hi all

I am currently having my rads at Weston Park in Sheffield, I am in room 7 (there are 9 rooms in total) there are 2 changing rooms for 6 and 7 to use, there is always a large selection of dressing gowns to use, you put your cloths in a basket which you take into the room with you, when in the radiotherapy room, I only have to slip my gown of on the side that is being zapped, when you have finished you put your used gown in a bin, they are collected on a regularly basis, the staff are great and very friendly always have time to have a little chat.

Debra x

Hi Debra

My son had radiotherapy at Weston Park 14 years ago when he 2. I remember there was a very big waiting area and as soon as he had come round from the anaesthetic ( he had to be given GA as he wouldn’t lie still) he would run up and down this big room as a bit of a treat. I think it lifted the mood of those waiting seeing a little toddler having such fun! I remember how lovely all the staff were then and all the staff at the Children’s hospital down the road. We have moved from Doncaster now, but still miss the area. My son still supports Sheffield Wednesday!!

I had 25 rads at St Marys in Portsmouth. You get a poppered up gown with your measurement appointment, change in one of three changing rooms in waiting area and when you lie down for treatment they unpop you. After treatment they pop you back up and then you change again. There were male staff there too but I never ever felt uncomfortable. They had lovely relaxing music playing and warm hands!

I had my rads at Royal Preston Hospital. The simulator I was on didn’t have a changing room, although some of them did. Even though I had a poppered gown given me at planning I didn’t use it as thought I am standing here getting undressed and baring all and couldn’t see the point of putting on the gown then. The staff were always lovely. They too put the paper towel across me after lining me up.

Liz xx

Hi cathy59

All the staff at weston park are great I cannot fault them on any level, the childrens is another great hospital I am so lucky to live in Sheffield. Hope your son is doing well he was very young to be going through radiotherapy.

Debra x

Corsa - bringing this up for you to read, hope you find it helpful.

Magsi x

I wonder if they have improved the Barts changing areas since i was there five years ago and complained about them. they had a curtained off area of the basement corridor, and you were handed a grey plastic bag to put your back opening gown in

it makes me feel ill actually writing this as the memories are stirred up

eek what a weed I am as I am still here five years since

Okay - this is posting 50 of this thread so perhaps let it be the last, since I was the one who started it.

I’d like to say a really heartfelt THANK YOU to all who have contributed and made me glad I opened the thread in the first place. I would like each of you whose treatment was like mine, to write and compain, whether you were bothered or not, I am bothered for those that followed me at the Churchill. I am bothered 17 months on because there are STILL no changing facilities - I check every month. I know these departments are busy and thhe staff are usually lovely. I am busy in my job too but I still treat people with respect and dignity. We are human beings and should be treated with dignity even if it might be the last scrap of it that we still hold by the time we get to RT. Please, please, please complain or it will stay the same horrid experience for everyone, leave you with bad memories, bring tears to your eyes when you read this thread and are reminded how you were treated. I was so ashamed of being treated this way that I couldn’t tell my husband for nearly a year - I couldn’t bear it for him to know people thought so little of me that they would process me in this way without making the smallest effort to protect my dignity. I freely admit to being sensitive about these issues but I am clearly NOT alone and I think we all have a duty to get things changed and improved for those who follow us, even if it’s too late for ourselves. Write to the PALS at your hospital or raise it with your MP - do something.

Again, thank you all.

Best wishes

sorry ive only just read this thread ,can i just say about my experiences or are you tottally read out "!!! i was treated at the bristol oncology center ,the drivers were stars all of them .but the actual experience of rads was to me awful!you had to undress in the actual roon on a corner and leave your clothes on the chair,then walk chest akimbpo to the table,i wasnt given a gown or even paper to cover myself ,the girls were rushed as the sheer numbers of people were astounding ,but i felt like a prize specimen layed out on the table ,i saw mostly women but one day a male radiograper walked into the roon and just started manhandling my boob without even introducing himself .well i did complain ,and said that in future i wanted only females ,so them every time i was made to wait ages to be seen ,when i asked why i had to wait so long i was told it was because id comlpained about the male and they had to wait untill only females were free!!! unbelievable . i wouldnt have minded if hed introduced himself at the time /its a hard enough experience coping with all the treatments without being made to feel bad about complainiong !! moan over !1 but im still here to tell the tale so thats one th9ing ! lynn xx

HI all , just found this thread and have read through most of the comments. I’m having mine at North Middlesex London

I can most relate to Polly . I came home and cried after my first rad session . I felt very exposed. I dont talk much just want to get out as quick as possible and I think they think I’m just a quiet person.

The staff are lovely but theres a lot of male and female , different faces different days which took me aback a bit. Some introductions some not . I feel like half the hospital have seen me from the waist up.

Theres a long corridor with a chair in the same room , no gown , no towels . All watching as you walk to the bed after getting undressed in record time . Ok so after having 20 + sessions I’m getting used to it but I really thought all hospitals were like this so am quite shocked to read how nice the changing areas are in some other hospitals .
cally x

Sorry D just read that you were closing the thread !