Well after 5+ long weeks - which in reality have actually flown by - today I had my 25th zap. Tomorrow I get promoted to boosters - I am having 4 in total. I sort of feel that I should be having some form of mini-celebration.
To anyone who is just starting rads and feels that they have millions of sessions which will drag out … I can honestly say it hardly seems like last week when I was there for the 1st time getting my kit off … again. I really can’t believe that next Tuesday it will all be over and done with.
Nevermind a mini celebration you should be celebrating in a big way.
Well done
Congratulations and thanks for comment on other thread.
I have not had a date to start rads, but see it as another hurdle to be crossed off the list, and get back to some sort of normality
Well done
Good stuff lilac
I think you should have a big party. Am counting down 7 tomorrow.
Strange this journey I keep thinking I should have been a topless dancer ha ha ha!!!
Bit late now and might shock a few.
As you can see am having a good day.
Please let us know what boosters are like
Best wishes
Kay x
I did think about changing career and re-training as a go-go dancer … but after 25 rads and a rock hard boob that keeps giving out stabby pains I think the shoogling them about might not be the best idea at the moment. I think I will for a couple of months before signing up for dance classes 
I will let you know tomorrow what it feels like to be boosted.
Well I’ve been in and been boosted … not much different to what was done before - just lie in a different position and the machine has an added attachement which comes very close to your body … only 1 zap instead of 4. Also got a reallllllly good looking young man who was lovely and friendly. They also had a working CD player and today we had Bop Bop Baby by Westlife.
I was actually going to go back to work this afternoon but my immediate boss said not to push my luck health wise and to just take the rest of the afternoon off… back to day time TV for a few days then.
Hello Lilacbushes
I am glad you have mentioned boosters as I have been told I am to have 5 booster sessions added on to my 25 rads, and was wondering how different it would be.
And yeah next Tuesday you must do something special. We have a massive firework waiting for my end of treatment - you have to bury it in the ground (before you light it - doh, obviously :-)), so after rad number 30, we are going to be in a field somewhere in south leics and let this thing off - it better be spectacular!
Wishing you lots of bubbles for Tuesday
The booster is very similar to the standard rads sessions - I was in a different position but I suppose this depends on the site of your surgery, mine was high up on my breast and on the outer edge heading into my armpit … so they could get clear access I was on my side with one arm up over my head. The main difference was that instead of getting little marks with felt pen I got a big circle drawn on my boob.
3 more and I’m finished … chocolate cake to celebrate I think. Good luck with the rest of your treatment and I hope the firework is spectacular.
I am so pleased for you. You seemed to have sailed through the rads bit. A credit to all us that follow in your footsteps. I have just had number 7 done. I must admit it is nowhere near as bad as thought
I am constantly being complimented on how well I have coped with everything since my dx in January. When I was 1st dx I was ready for a long hard battle and expected to be ill … how wrong I was. I think everyone thinks cancer = poorly person but this is not necessarily true.
Yes I’ve had the odd day when I have been a bit tired and I have a red itchy boob … not to mention the itchy fandango episodes… but on the whole I have been really really healthy throughout. I’ve only had a couple of days of feeling poorly and that was due to being mis-diagnosed with an infection and taking anti-biotics that I did not need… thanks to a locum GP.
I’ve felt worse in the past when I had a cold.
As I’ve said so many times before I consider that I was luckier than some in as much as I escaped the rigours of chemo - had I had chemo I may not have sailed through the treatment with the ease that I have done.
Hopefully others will be as lucky as I have been … and if I have given anyone some hope at the start of their journey then I am delighted.
I too have had comments on how i sailed through the last 6 months and I have had chemo 4 ac which the worst was constipation but sorted itself out and was supposed to have 4 tax I was ill for 4/5 days after but coped and it was stopped after 3 as tumour had started to grow again,which was disappoinitng as not had effect required.
On the whole have not felt like a sick person and felt a bit of a fraud sometimes.
Been on a bit of a downer last few weeks, then on a high after op last week.
I do feel quite lucky at times. am a strong person generally and have a fantastic support network around me, but even then they don’t fully understand what this means, so talking to you guys is another great boost
So thank you
I was wondering what being boosted felt like… when they mentioned getting boosted i just imagined they’d sit me down and tell me how great i looked and how wonderfully i’d managed all the treatment, how i had a lovely rosey glow and that my world was my oyster! So…more drawings on the boobs, and catching Rays from a different angle! that all sounds…“doable”. I wonder how many times that word has been used on this site. Congratulations Lilac on almost getting through, I’m off for my 11th today - 9 to go and counting! Also thinking of going without headscarf for first time today, I’m still a bit piebald but I’m sick of having a scarf on, esp with the hot flushes! carrie x
I have been told that after my last booster with the Rayman I have to go back to see the lovely BCN so I’m sure she will do the moral boosting then.
glad to hear that you have faired well throughout your treatment too Mary - shame the chemo did not do the necessary but glad that you felt better after your surgery.
Good luck with the rest of your rads Carrie and going scarfless sounds like progress.
Good luck to everyone else going through rads at the moment … I’m sure you are all glowing nicely. Perhaps we should have a national database of glowers and we could be at the ready to be mobilised in the event of a power cut … I’m sure of we have 10+ of us in the same room we could light the place up.