benign hamartoma

Hi there lucart4

This is understandably a worrying time for you.

Hopefully, others will be along shortly to share their experiences, in the meantime, if you feel it would help to talk to someone, do call our Helpline.

They’re open Monday to Friday 9-5 and Saturday 9-2. 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes.


Hi I’m new to this forum . I had a lump 2.5 inches it was first  picked up in 2013 on an ultrasound. I have been going for screening every year for 23 years as I have a high risk of developing breast cancer due to family history . I have been having a lot of pain in the area recently so asked the hospital if I could have another ultrasound to check the area out as well as my yearly mamo . The consultant said I don’t need one as the mamo showed no change. And that is when he told me the name of my lump is a harmartoma, he said they are very common and benign. 

I am not convinced I did complain to the hospital as I felt that I was being dismissed . 

now I know the name of the lump I have read about it and feel I should have it removed ? Is this the best way to go. This area causes a lot of pain . Is that normal ? . I don’t know what to do next as I don’t really want to go back to that consultant. 

Any advice would be much appreciated .
