I had a mastectomy with axillary clearance in 06 followed by 6 cycles of chemo and 15 sessions of rads I am considering reconstructive surgery next year and the only option for me is a LD flap with implant, as I don’t have enough tissue to get a good result with any other option. I may also need some lipofilling afterwards. My queries/ concerns are about potential loss of mobility afterwards. I’m a biker and am looking to buy a Harley Sportster Superlow next year. I would like to have a reconstruction but not if it means I can’t ride a bike anymore. So can anyone tell me what the risk of loss of mobility or range of movement associated with this procedure may are likely to be? I’m very petite so don’t have a lot of other tissue or muscle to compensate for what I what may lose to the procedure. I need to be able to ride and manoeuvre my bike. If it means I can’t manage a bike anymore, I’d rather stay as a woman who swims in circles!
I am not a biker but I had an LD reconstruction, albeit an immediate one, nearly two years ago. My arm movement is near perfect, possibly becuase I did, and still do, the exercises regularly. I feel my affected arm is not as strong as it was, but it is hard to be sure what is down to the LD and what to the node removal etc. The thing I think you would need to be sure of is whether slight loss of strength might be a problem for you, and I can’t answer that. That said there are women on here who have had LD recons who swim ,ride and lift stuff with no problems - maybe I’m just a wuss!
If the concern is merely about reach, then I’d say that based on my experience you will be fine.
Hop you get some more useful answers soon, and that all goes well whatever you decide.
Hi Geraldine. I’m sue, another biker. I have a 1200 Harley custom sportster. Had it since 2000.
I’m due chemo 3 next Friday FEC100 so long as I am fit. Having chemo before surgery as lump is big 7cm and lymph node also affected. Surgery early next year. So unfortunately I can’t advise on reconstruction as its way off for me yet.
Currently in hospital - since Monday - neutropenic. Fed up cos I feel fine but blood 0.45 today and can’t go home til it’s 1.5.
Hope others can advise you, be nice to chat bikes anyway?
x sue
Hi,i had LD construction with implants a year ago.I have some weakness on the right side where I had rads and I can’t lift anything too heavy.l don’t know how strong you have to be to ride a bike but you should expect to get around 80% of your mobility back after a about 6 months recuperation-if you recover to the same extent as I have,obviously everyone is different,I wish you well in your recovery-x
Thanks for the replies- gives me a couple of points to consider. Would still love to hear from any bikers who’ve had the LD with implant. 80% mobility is going to be a problem I think, not just when it comes to riding but I have to be able to drive so I can do my job- and with an employer that only pays sick pay for 2 months, I can’t take 6 months to recuperate. Still have plenty of time to make my mind up- seeing the plastic surgeon in March 2013.
Geraldine I think we are all different - I was driving normally six weeks after my LD reconstruction, and had pretty much a full range of movement by then too. I was told to take 3 months after my surgery (bearing in mind this was Mx, ANC and recon just after chemo) but was well enough for ‘light duties’ long before that time was up. Maybe it depends how much lifting you do?
Hi, Revcat, thanks for that. I don’t have to do a lot of lifting but obviously to drive I need to be able to manage okay. After my MX I was driving after about 5 weeks and riding my bike again. The LD concerns me as obviously that muscle is n’t going to be thereto do the job it should be doing. With a bike I need to be able to manoeuvre it when I stop or to be able to weave through traffic at slow speed.
Geraldine,please dont be put off by my experience.My physio said I have 80% movement but I think a lot of the mobility loss is due to being on Anastrazole.I get results of mri scan in a couple of weeks so am hoping he will be able to help me get that mobility back when hes seen the scan result.At the moment all my bones and joints are very painful but the ld construction op itself wasnt entirely to to blame for the immobility I have at present.Like revcat says,everyone is different but your surgeon should advise you on wether you would be able to handle a bike or not,good luck for the op,
I has a diep flap 10 months ago and am completely fit to ride my VFR750, I didnt get out on in much last year as its an older version and fairly heavy so with having had stomach op was very cautious as didnt want to risk straining. The main thing is be very diligent in doing all the exercises you are told to do and build back your strength. Am going in for my second stage shortly but hope to be back on the road for the summer.
Wishing you viligent car drivers, no overfillers of diesel and pothole free roads
Hi Geraldene/Alex
i registered on this site today for the first time in the hope of obtaining information as I have exactly the same concerns. I have recently been diagnosed with high grade DCIS (a clear/positive result to my SLNB) and told that I can have an immediate reconstruction at the time of my MX.
Today I was offered the choice of either LD reconstruction with implant or subject to an appointment next week possibly TRAM/DIEP. My preference at this early stage is for LD as the surgery and recovery time is shorter, but if i cannot ride my bike as a result this will affect my decision. I have asked this question of 2 consultants/surgeons and my breast care nurse. They have all said that it should be fine as the other back muscles will compensate, but i suspect they do not have that many female m/cyclists asking this question or giving them feedback post surgery.
Alex - thanks for your feedback it is the first time I’ve heard from another m/cyclist. did you ride your bike at all in the first 6 months?
Geraldene - I think you are seeing your PS this month? Perhaps we can share feedback? I think there are ways to overcome this - even if it means changing the type of bike you ride.
All the best
Hello bikers!
I have a GSXR750 I have DCIS and had a WLE 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately not enough clearance so I’m back again for more surgery this Thursday. Haven’t been out on the bike since my op as the weather has been awful but also with it being a sports bike it tends to engage the pecs a fair bit when riding. I’m also quite short so have to give it a bit of a pull to get it up off the sidestand!
If this WLE is not successful I will be having a mastectomy too.
Catzoo, sorry to hear you are having such a tough time. Hope things improve very soon.
Col64 - there are obviously more of us lurking out there than we think!
I hope you find more bikers with similar experiences - just couldn’t resist joining in!
Hope we’re all back out on the road again soon.
Vroom! Harley Fatboy which I got as my “reward” for getting through some horrible times. Sorry I can’t help with the recon question as I “only” had lumpectomy rather than mastectomy and recon, but I hope you can get informed answers.
I am not a biker, so can’t comment on that, but I had a mx in 2007 and an LD flap with implant in 2010. The only issues I have with my arm are down to the mx/node clearance, and not the recon. I have not noticed any loss of strength or mobility following the recon. I am very careful with my arm, but that is down to the lymphoedema risk.
Sorry to take so long to reply but havent been on site for some time, I didnt ride in the first 6 months but some of the reasoning for that was down to my situation. My VFR is an old one and therefore quite heavy so I didnt want to risk it as thought if I had a problem and needed to hold it up might have a problem. If I still had the Diversion I had before this one I probably would have been back on it a lot sooner. Main thing I found was uncomfortable bent over, but regular stretching and doing exercise really helped. I still get uncomfortable even now sometimes but know it is when I don’t keep up with the exercise and using a gym ball to stretch really helps and don’t have problems if I keep it up
Hope things are going well for you which ever you go for