anyone having FEC finding that they are ready for their bed at stupidly early times and then waking up and having to actually GET up and begin their day much earlier than they normally would?
I am amazed I’m still up and online at 10.20pm but I somehow found the stamina to go late evening shopping and dinner with a friend and got home at 20.45pm nothin on telly so I decided to switch the computer on and here I still am. I bet I will still be up with the larks tomorrow though.
in the end I went to bed at Midnight, blooming 6:30am I was wide awake today! My boyfriend is allergic to getting up until the sun is in the West of the sky, goodness knows what will happen tomorrow cos he is coming over tonight, thank goodness I now have tinternet at home!
Have a good day girlies xx
hi clababel34
i was like this on FEC
- slept for 8 hours with almost no problems at night
- got up earlyish
- had good morning
- as soon as i at lunch was desperately tired . if i had a sleep (for 3 or 4 hours) then had a good evening once perked up again - took a while. if i didn;t have a sleep in the afternoon then dropped off very early evening and almost impossible to wake up and spent a lot of nights on the sofa waking up at 3.00 a.m. as uncomfy to goto bed to wake up in the morning
it was all a combination of being quite alert in the morning (and ready for breakfast) but when the need took me I absolutey HAD to sleep
hope this helps and good luck!
love fizBix
NB Once my neuts went South it was a different story … too tired to even think straight … or even think at all! …hoe you don’t have this
Hi FizBiz
BF came over Thursday evening and we went for dinner, the restaurant was apparently a disappointment but I do not remember anything after reading the menu. BF said he wasn’t surprised we were both trolleyed cos the food wasn’t up to much so we left most of it. Fair enough, and he assures me i did not do anything embarrassing. Phew. Despite this I was wide awake at 7am and I could have got up and done something like post on here or read but no I was bouncing off the walls and wanted HIM to be awake too. I feel a bit guilty, but not too guilty.
And I have chemo-brain, just enjoying the dumbed down side of life for now