Hello long time since I came here last. I came on last when my sister ist diagnosed b/c Had no lump but lymph nodes removed. dont think they found a primary?
she had been in pain for 5 weeks dr thought it was inflamed cartilage, and even gallstones! bone scan was requested but as she had not heard rang and got a cancelation. Found mets in vetebrae and ribs. this is bad isnt it… also worried as swelling in her abdomen and shortness of breath . bank holiday weekend and I think they cant do much until tuesday… but she would get treatment if she needed it before surely. any advice what to expec.
ta tabby
Hi Tabby, sorry, i can’t really help you on this one, but have you looked at www.cancerbackup.org.com, its very good, or ask the nurse on here, or ring the helpline
Alison xxxxx
Hi tabby,
How old is your sister?
I was diagnosed bone cancer in back, spine,pelvis and hip and shoulder and spots in my lungs.
Is your sister going to have chemo? I am having Taxotere but wont know how I am doing until after my scan which is 18th sept. The doctors seem to think it is good so I will let you know how I get on.
I am keeping positive, as I think this also helps.
Wish your sister luck and if you want to ask me a question or two feel free.
Thanks Fayjay, you asked how old she was she’s 54, and she has now had an ultrasound on her liver and they tried to do a ct scan (I think on her chest) but she has been vomiting and can not keep anything down. so she cant take the stuff to do the ct scan . I reckon the next step would be chemo , I have a feeling it has spread to her liver or lungs (hence the swelling of abdomen and breathlessness). but it was only yesterday that she was back in the care of the original team she had 2 yrs ago.
we have not had a prognosis yet as we were waiting for all these scans etc so we can only guess at what happens next.
Thanks again and you take care also.
Tabby x
Hi Tabby,
any news on your sister.
I had chemo on Thursday and starting to feel a bit more human now. I went for my CT scan today, have to wait for the results now…always nail biting stuff…
Hope all is well
thinking of you and your sister
Thinking of you, Fay. When do you get the results?
Tabby, hoping with Fay to have some news of your sister. You need to look after yourself too.
Wishing you well,
Jenny x
Hi Jenny,
Have last chemo and get the results on 4th Oct. Both on the same day.
I am really nervious of what they will tell me.
Hope you are well.
Are you going to London on 24th Oct?