Ive been going through the forum trying to find out if chemo causes aches and pains of the bones/joints/muscles (Im not sure which part it is all I know is that hips, back and ribs(?) are really aching). Its been like this for days now and Im finding it hard pushing the pram, lifting etc.
All I seem to be able to find is that radiotherapy or tamoxifen can cause problems in these areas. I will mention it when I go in for chemo on wed. Wed will be my 3rd Epi. If anyone has experienced anything similar or knows if these pains are related to the chemo I would appreciate hearing from you
Are you having accelerated epi with the gcsf injection given the day after, cos that does cause the sorts of aches you describe.
I didn’t have them myself but I’m sure that everyone has slightly different reactions.
Be watchful in case you’re coming down with a bug too.
Hope you feel better soon.
I had Epi, please don’t worry the pains that you described are just what I had, I got so worried that I rang the chemo nurse who explained that it is part of what epi does. It really does pass, I also found that my neck, head in fact most places hurt or ached. I hope that your 3rd one goes as well as it can do on Wednesday, are you having 4 epi and 4 cmf?
Sending you lots of hugs and good thoughts
Debbie x
Yes I had epi-CMF. My whole body ached some days and i felt so weak and feeble the bottom of the garden seemed like a hundred miles away. Just be kind to yourself, accept your limitations with out giving in totally. It does pass.
Good luck with the rest of the chemo - love Jacqui
Momathome- Im not having the accelerated epi- but I’ll keep my eye out best I can incase I am coming down with something, never got this with first epi but everyone in the house seems to have been going down with one bug or another. thanks for your reply.
Lancslass- Debbie its reassuring to hear you had these aches as well- it has been worrying me a bit, I just pay so much more attention to my body now- but it has been really achey. Yes Im having 4 epi and then 4 cmf. thanks for your reasurance.
Swanie- thanks for your reply Jacqui, Im pleased that its not just me to feel like this (dont mean that in a nasty way) just happy to know im not alone- it had been worrying me a bit.
I dont usually post now on the chemo thread as its about 2 and a half years since i fin chemo.
However just wanted to say EPI sure does make you have aches and pains in some weird places. Also i think your probably in ‘panic mode’ worrying about every ache and pain and your mind racing.
My friend is on the trail mentioned above, it seems gruelling to me. Glad your not on it it took me 3 wks to feel well enough for the next chemo. You will get through it and just ask for any help.
Hi Liverbird
Thanks for your comments- Its reassuring to know others have had these aches and pains on epi. To be honest Im glad Im not on the trial too because Im just getting over the nausea etc that I look forward to my ‘good’ week
Hi Yvonne, glad to see that you are a little more reassured by the girls comments. I found that with Epi it gradually built up over the course of 4 which is really what it is supposed to do. It is 3 years since I had it and I think that my last epi was just like you before New Year, then you go onto CMF which can be in tablet form, (your hair starts to grow back very slowly on this which to me was exciting. I agree with Jacquie when she suggests that you be really kind to yourself, although you mentioned pushing a pram!!! (What a girl!!) I found that the Breast Cancer Care Team were wonderful and they arranged for someone who had been in a similar situation to me to telephone me perhaps once a month (I still keep in touch with this wonderful lady) and it was always so lovely to ask if she had experienced similar aches and pains. (I would strongly recommend taking this lifeline up) Good luck this week…
Much love
Debbie x