Brain Mets Newbie

I just wanted to say thanks to you all for your love and support. It’s starting to sink in now and the shock is starting to settle a bit. It’s amazing how dazed you can be isn’t it. I’ve bought myself a load of bach remedies as I think they work well on me and what’s to loose eh?

I’ve heard so many stories from people who’ve been given terrible odds and are still here 15, 20 or even 40 years later to tell me about it so am really going to focus on living for right now.

I still can’t believe that I had literally 1 night in my new house (rented) before I collapsed. So maybe the fact I can’t find anything is actually down to having just moved not brain Mets LOL.

I wish you all a wonderful minute, day, week, year and life.


Hi angie,
It was good to hear from you, It is ages since ive been on here and great to get an email from you. I hope you are ok today. It is all such a shock hey. When my first brain tumor was diagnosed 2 years ago it was all pretty scary, But I am still here and and had my second tumor out just over 6 month ago. I am getting better all the time. The worst part is talking and some one interupts what you are saying. I can never remember what I was going to say then…annoying. but very blessed.

I had a sterio tactic radio surgery in Sydney as it was starting to grow. Its not so bad really, this one doesnt tack your hair away. The one I had for my first tumor did take my hair, very itch after the 10 days that I had it.

Hope It all goes ok Angie,

Love Suzy

Hi angie
so sorry to hear your news - I was dx with liver and bone mets last september and I still feel shocked some days …I think you have a fantastic attitude and energy …oh and by the way I cant find things and have no excuse - went to get some money out of the bank today and left my diary in there…jayne x

Great to hear from you Suzy. I was wondering how you’re getting on. Lets keep on kicking about for a good long long time eh.

I’m freaked not knowing how it’s going to affect my mental capabilities but I watched a doco with Terry Pratchet last night about his Alzheimers and it’s amazing how well we do cope with brain problems isn’t it.

Here’s hoping for some good drugs that buy lots and lots of time. Course wouldn’t say no to a cure either LOL.

Lots of love


Hi Suzy, great to see you here…been wondering how you were. Take Care.
Love Belinda…x

Hi Angie,

I only just stumbled on this as I find the new site too difficult to navigate. You gave me support when I was first DX and you have always seemed so positive and upbeat particularly with your alternative therapy tips. I am soo soo sorry to hear of your recent brain mets dx. There is nothing more I can say that wont sound inept.

Gentle hugs and love across cyber space

(((((()))))) xxxxxxxxx

Hi Angie - just answered you on the other thread then noticed what your GP said about not making it to the end of the year and it has really annoyed me. My sister had a similar conversation with her GP (well one who was standing in for him actually) Apparently she said did my sister realise that she now had terminal cancer! My sister didn’t as her oncologist hadn’t said any such thing - just that it wasn’t curable but it could be treated to prolong her life. Lets face it none of us are under the illusion that we are going to get a telegram from the queen but that doesn’t mean that doctors can get away with speaking to us as if we had no feelings. From what I have read about and experienced we are all individuals and react in different ways to cures and treatments and some of us could in fact get the elusive telegram…lets hope so. Well I’ll get off my soapbox now!! lots of love to everyone and Angie prove him wrong - plan next years holiday!!!