I recently had tests to see if i carried the BRCA 2 gene as my grandma and mum have had breast cancer, it turns out i do have the gene, my grandma was diagnosed at 65 years old, she has passed away since, and my mum was diagnosed at 45, she had a double mastectomy and full reconstruction. She is still not 100% and she had the op 5 years ago!
I just wanted to see if there was anyone out there who is going through the same or similar to me who would talk to me? I know my options but it is kind of daunting as i am only 27. Any replies would be very welcome, i have an appointment on the 20th december to discuss further with genetics.
Sorry to hear you have inherited the mutation in your family.
Im not really able to help as i had breast cancer twice at 37 and 40 before they discovered mine was genetic i then got a recurrence was diagnosed with mets this year. My daughter is 22 and son is 19 and they havent been tested, but i would strongly advise my daughter to have a double mx if she was to test positive as i would hate her to go through what i have been through in the last 8 years.
Hopefully somebody can help you with the logistics.
Welcome to the forum. As well as the support you will receive on this forum you might also find it helpful to talk things over with one of our helpliners. The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000.
I’ve also attached a link to our booklet about breast cancer in families:
Sorry you are having to deal with the news you have an inherited mutation. It is a big shock and it is early days. Take it slowly. Try to remember that you don’t have cancer and there is no rush to make any decisons. I am not trying to minimise - it is a big deal but give yourself some time to digest it all.
Like Lulu, I had cancer before I found out that I had a brca1 mutatiion. You could try the brca umbrella website.
My sister just had risk-reducing surgery. She is 33 so a bit older than you. She is doing well.
Let us know if we can help at all.
You could contact the Helpline and the one-to-one support service might be able to put you in touch with someone who has had surgery etc
I too have been tested and have the BRAC2 gene. My Sister has had breast cancer twice and my Auntie had cervical cancer and died aged 42.
I was tested a few years ago and have since had my ovaries removed. I am now having a double mastectomy at the begining of January (6th).
I am 42 so my situation is a little different to yours. I am married and have 2 children…I don’t know your situation but the ovary removal was an easy decision for me to take as I have had children already.
I have taken a long time to make the decision to have my breasts removed but to be honest it now seems like the obvious thing to do…although I am very scared. It also depends on what type of reconstruction you are having as the the recovery time. I have opted for the implants so I’m supposed to be in for 2 nights and then recovery is 3-4 weeks and then returning to have the bags “pumped up” if you know what I mean, the whole process should take 3 months from the op to back to work.
Hope some of this helps…good luck with your appointment if you want to speak more just let me know.
Me again… Im home now and must say im so lucky my husband has cleaned the house top to bottom and done the ironing! Kids have been fine going to school and everything is ticking along up to now.
Still feeling very sore and aching and still can`t describe how i feel? Is that weird? I am relieved its over with but just feel a bit numb about it all even though ive had 12 months to think about it.
Sorry, I know there are others with alot more to cope with and i`m lucky to have had this done.
hi there
I’m glad ur surgery went well x I had my double mx and immediate diep reconstruction in July (brca1 and lumps on both breasts though thabkfully benign) just past when I was 29. was a strange experience I was kept in high dependency ward for 8 days then home and I can’t say I felt particularly supported at home as hubby seemed to think i would just be back to normal quickly I still have no sensation from my collar bones all the way down to my pubic bones and I could still sleep every single day and I was very fit pre surgery. it just knocked the stuffing out me!
hope your getting lots of rest hon xxx