Just been reading more about Bart it’s actually large rearrangements it detects not small ones so dunno if because 3/4 of my gene is missing that’s large even though its only one letter that is wrong. Or if it was just missed in 2006. Sorry I have probably confused you even more now.

Hi Lulu
Thanks very much for the info. It’s certainly a fairly complex subject. I don’t understand about the Barts either.
It would be interesting for me to know what proportion of ladies who tested BRCA negative decide to have their ovaries removed, but I don’t know the best way of finding this out.
Have a good weekend

in terms of aving your ovaries out there are prob two different groups of brca neg women… Those with no ovarian cancer in the family or like you they do have ovarian cancer in the family… With the first group its very unlikely they would have much benefit from having their ovaries out… But where ovarian cancer exists having them out despite a neg test is prob more likely to infer a benefit.

there will be families like your who do not fit the criteria for testing but who may choose to have their ovaries removed despite having no evidence either way that they carry a gene or not… One of my very close friends had her ovaries out for this reason.

some consutants do oophorectomy to help reduce recurrence of bc or for pre menopausal women o they can change their meds from tamox to an AI which is only given if post meno… three of my close friends hav had this done.

lulu xx

Hi Lulu
Thanks for the information. My family did fit the criteria for testing and I have been tested.
Thanks again for your help.
Best wishes
