breast cancer diet - red meat


Really? Your attitude to stress is so positive and empowered. Good on you.

Mmmmhhh…All of a sudden I feel like I’m at nursery school. All over again…:slight_smile:

Over your head it gos mel, it realy is such a shame that people cant be nice isnt it but… thick skin remember.
People will make up their own minds ,its not rocket science.
Hugs mel x
No such thing as anti-cancer its a myth!


Blummin eck lulu, your nursery school used advanced language! ( is a joke, bit scared to post a joke here, but decided to anyway!)

If it’s a myth I guess someone needs to tell this guy and his team of 35 research scientists that they’re wasting their time, because they are dedicating their entire careers to it …

Hi Linda
Thanks so much for publishing the Tim Key response.
When diagnosed (over 6 years ago) I read up a lot and asked my onc about the Plant diet, and was told ‘the jury is out’ which I think was a fair answer, ie not that it’s wrong, simply that not enough is yet known for them to recommend anything. I have applied this by trying to keep the weight down, more exercise (was a bit lazy before) and a healthy diet with plenty of treats.
I have not been on the thread for a while as I got tired of the griping, so just wanted to express support for your sensible approach.
…and thanks to Tim, if he is reading this,

That link was interesting, Finty. In the “cancer prevention through nutrition” section professor Beliveau doesn’t say what we should avoid eating in order to prevent cancer but simply states that in order to minimize the risk of contracting it you should step up your intake of fruit and veg and drink green tea.
Do you know what? I am happy with that!
Lulu XX

Hi finty,
I think i have read that link before ,i think you put it on earlier? or possibly it was on the Jane Plant thread ,im not realy sure where now but i have read it.
Why dont you contact Tim Key and ask him to give you an explanation? i found him to be very helpfull, he knows we are discussing this topic on the BCC Forums so im sure he will help if he can.


Here is what the professor said:

We currently estimate that lifestyle and nutrition are responsible for more than one third of newly diagnosed cancers. These statistics underline the importance of healthy eating for the reduction in the incidence, as well as the progression of cancer. Throughout the years, several fundamental clinical and epidemiological studies have shown that an increased intake of fruits and vegetables represents a key factor in the reduction of cancer risk. Indeed, these products contain important quantities of non-nutritive chemical compounds, phytochemicals, which seem to play an important role in this chemopreventive effect. Other than fruits and vegetables, recent research in our lab has shown that other foods, such as green tea and curcumin, possess large quantities of anticancer compounds. A diet consisting of a mix of fruits, vegetables and drinks, such as green tea, can lead to the absorption of up to 1-2g of anticancer phytochemicals per day. We, therefore, believe that daily consumption of these different foods is a simple and effective method to counter the development and progression of cancer.

This sounds to me like a very simplified version of an anti-cancer diet. I am fairly certain that he isn’t just saying try and squeeze in 5-a-day.

ALSO I had a good look through the EPIC site. Here is a summary of their main aims:
EPIC was designed to investigate the relationships between diet, nutritional status, lifestyle and environmental factors and the incidence of cancer and other chronic diseases. EPIC is the largest study of diet and health ever undertaken, having recruited over half a million (520,000) people in ten European countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

MILLIONS of pounds have been spent not trying to find a link between cancer and diet, but to prove the definitive links. This money was spent because the scientists know there is a link, but need to prove and define the links. All this cancer research money was not spent on the link between cancer and (for example) the wearing of yellow wellies, because no one believes there is a link there. The only way this research was funded was because there is strong evidence that diet does play an important part in cancer prevention.

Hi Sarah,
Lovely to see you back on the forums, i totally agree with your sensible approach to healthy liveing, its very important to try and keep our weight down and to also exercise as much as possible, a healthy balanced diet is certainly a must to give our bodies all the nutrients it requires to help fight desease , and theres certainly nothing wrong with some treats ,i think we all need to remember that life is for liveing at the end of the day and we should enjoy every minute of it .

Realy pleased to see you back
Hugs to you
Linda x

As you know, EPIC did find some dietry links for certain cancers BUT for Breast cancer and Prostrate cancer they found no strong dietry links , Like i said to finty why dont you contact Tim Key? im sure he will happily discuss any of this with you.



The point is that they spent millions on the research because they believe there is a link. The study shows that women still have a 1 in 9 chance of developing bc if they only eat an averagely healthy diet. Hardly news to get excited about.

In parts of SE Asia it is 1 in 10,000.

Nowhere in the study do they recommend dairy or red meat or processed food etc, etc

Gretchen,with respect i think your missing the point,yes they spent millions because they are looking for a link ,but that link is for ALL cancers, not exclusively Breast Cancer, as they have said on the Cancer Research Uk August 2010 podcast “they have found NO strong Dietry link for Breast Cancer and Prostrate Cancer.” and Tim Key has confirmed this,

As for Asia, we have all discussed this many many times before, Asians have a completely different lifestyle to the west , there are vast differences in our cultures , diet , genetic,lifestyle.ect ect ect.Asia have very high rates of many other cancers.

I agree eat healthily ,not junk! im 90% organic including my milk,meat veg,fruit ect ect hell, even the tea i drink is organic but the only part of food that i may question is to do with the chemicals sprays and pestisides that is the only thing that concerns me and i think could possibly be linked to cancer,who knows its not been proven,but as far as Red Meat and Dairy whether anyone likes it or not, There is no PROOF.


Hi Lulu - Prof Beliveau has written about a lot more foods that just those mentioned in the link. If you are interested he co-authored a book called “Foods that Fight Cancer” that is a good read.

finty x


Excellent news! I don’t like green tea much.

Hey xwelcomex

don’t you think that this is further proof that we have every damn right to feel scared and confused when we read about diet and cancer as there are simply too many contradictory research results out there?
Take the green tea you mentioned for example, which has been hailed as the best thing to drink in every single anti cancer diet I have read because of its antioxidant properties but according to the Tokyo Cancer centre it’s as useless as a glass of tap water!! :frowning:

WHO is right and who is wrong? WHICH piece of evidence do we believe in??

Hey ho! Off to my chemo session I go.


My best friend is a bc oncologist and her husband is a cancer research scientist and they both advocate a balanced healthy diet , lots of fresh fruit and veg, moderation in red meat , alcohol, sugar, cakes etc and that dairy is fine. I know they have my best interests At heart and have gone through the research papers specifically for me. At the age of 36 I don’t personally feel that my cancer was caused by the type of food I ate. I had a balanced diet before, and hate milk so had to force myself to have yogurts etc. So I am trying to eat more fruit and veg, retain my normal weight and start exercising again. Organic when I can, but some treats too. Most notably cake! The fruit cake from the recipe thread has been a life saver as a healthy option for my cake cravings !

I have read this thread and have wanted to contribute but to be honest have been scared to raise my head above the parapet . The opinion I have expressed are my own and may be of interest which is why I have shared them. I respect that people have different views, fair enough. But please, can anyone thinking about commenting on my post be gentle with me!
