breast cancer found

just been to the breast clinic,results of the biopsies were cancer in breast and in one the nodes in my armpit,lump is 5cm,and BS said it is grade 2 but that could change either up or down after they have done masectomy,am numb at the minute,am going on holiday monday with hubby and kids,then back to pre op stuff and masectomy on 3rd may, breast nurse coming to my house tomorrow to discuss the procedures. x

I can empathise with you and your situation. The shock of diagnosis can take some time to sink in. Once you discuss the treatment plan with your breast care nurse, youll be able to see a bit more clearly.

I know its easy to say, but try to enjoy your time with the family on holiday, nothing will change what you know now, so rest and relax if you can.

There is lots of good advice on here and through the phone line so come back and see if we can help once youve had your meet with BC nurse.
Take care
Cathie x

Hi Cornishmaid and welcome to the BCC forums

You will continue to find lots of support and shared experiences here, in addition you may find it helpful to call our helpline team, they can talk you through any queries and concerns and offer great support and a listening ear along with further support ideas. The lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 Sat on 0808 800 6000

I am posting a link to more information and support BCC can offer you which I hope you find useful:

Take care

thanks you for replying,i have a list as long as my arm for the breast care nurse this .still trying to get my head around it all,it al seems surreal to be honest, Everton babe my hubby is from Toxteth but we all red in this house lol xx hugs to all x

hiya cornishmaid
so sorry you’ve joined the club
the bcn will probably give you loads of information - don’t worry, you’re still in that numb shock phase & you’ll probably forget all of it but she can go through it all with you again when you’re ready
please do try & have a lovely holiday, knowing that when you get back you’ll be doing everything possible to get on top of the bc
maybe take the helpline number with you on holiday - if you find your brain’s getting overtaking by bc stuff, you could ring them & have a sob / rant / conversation
& out of hours, samaritans are v good at being sobbed / ranted at
depending on where you’re going, it could make for a bit of a phone bill but would be worth it if it frees you up to have nice times
i got diagnosed a week before my wife’s birthday & was due to have a double mx 3 days after it - v weird birthday t-party in our garden!
& i hate to mention the first of many times you’ll realise how much it affects every bit of your life, but you need to check your travel insurance policy - bc is now a pre-existing condition
there are several threads about insurance in the travel section - maybe you could get your hubby to read through them, or ring the helpline for the most up to date advice