I found a lump in my breast over a week ago - went straight to the GP who confirmed I wasn’t making it up and that there was a hard, solid mass there. I also had a very small red patch on top of the skin. This patch has been there for ages but more as dry skin not red. GP suggested a course of antibiotics as she suspected an infected cyst - although no temp, boob wasn’t hot and no discharge
fast forward a week and I feel rubbish from the antibiotics, have thrush and still have a lump in my boob - Hubble thinks it’s smaller - I have no idea - some days I think ooohhhh it’s almost gone and other days I think it’s at least the size of a golf ball!
anyway I’m back at the GP on Friday and assume she will refer me to the clinic unless it entirely vanishes by then
I called the local (manchester) clinic who tell me that even on the two week pathway the waiting time is 5 weeks - and we (me, husband and four kids) go away for two weeks in 4 weeks ?
husband says cancel holiday - health more important - I am not sure what to do - the appt may come through for when we are away and they have said I may not know when it is before I go away
will I enjoy holiday with the waiting?
Will I regret cancelling if it’s nothing
what happens if the lump does disappear between referral and appointment
holidays are not two a penny for us - I’ve worked overtime all year to pay for it and booked cheap flights a year ago and booked it all myself so rebooking for a few weeks won’t work even if the insurance pay out as we won’t get a holiday for the same price
aaaaaarrrrfffffhhhhgg I’m going round in circles - wanting to be positive that it’s nothing and we should just go but then thinking what if I miss the appointment
help! Wise advice needed