Breast Free

Hi everyone

I also thought that the following websites might be of interest to anyone waiting for reconstruction and struggling with what to wear.

I stumbled across this site online, it’s in the US and specialises in clothes designed for women who have had breast surgery:

It’s a bit expensive (especially with the shipping to the UK) but I think the clothes are really nice. They are designed so that women don’t have to wear prosthetics but no one will notice they have had breast surgery because of how the clothes are cut. I bought a few things and found them really useful in the first few weeks after surgery because I felt very confident no one would notice my different shape.

I also loved Dina Rabinovitch’s article for British Vogue from February 2005 called ‘Battle Dress’, which talks about how Rabinovitch got a stylist from Vogue to help dress her following her treatment for breast cancer. It’s full of good tips. I found it at the following address, you just have to click on the article title:

A lot of people have probably come across them already, but if not, I found them helpful when I was struggling with what I could wear and feel really nice in.

x x x

Hi everyone. I’m new to this website and forum. I had my right side mastectomy 7 years ago and an oophrectomy 2 years later. I am 51, a photographer and I dance ceroc (sort of jive) every week. But with my kids leaving home, like Awadan’s comment, I am now wondering about a reconstruction. I now feel healthy and free enough to consider being physically compromised again which seems a bit mad. On the one hand I am used to how I look and have become good at choosing clothes. I am active and healthy but my right arm and chest are still quite tight and can ache. There is still not a day that passes that I do not look at myself and dislike the asymmetry and miss having a cleavage. I really appreciate feeling well especially after feeling so bad for so long with the chemo, 2 lots of surgery, radiotherapy and then further surgery. I went to talk to the hospital and they now offer a stomach operation(free perforator flaps) which they did not offer for slimmer women 7 years ago. It would be less likely to damage my armpit and affect my arm than using the back muscle but it is 6-8 hours long and my husband and mother (and myself I guess) think I would be mad to take a risk for such a long op when I am finally reasonably healthy. The surgeon said I would probably need a further two operations, to reduce the other breast and make a nipple. I have just cancelled my follow-up appointment to discuss surgery because I am too scared of messing my health up but I wish, wish, wish

Hi Pascale,

I know exactly what you mean. I am a similar age and have got my health back. I am prepared to go ahead with recon but cannot help but worry about the effects on my general health. I had an operation a few years ago where i got an infection and that put me out of action for a while. What if it happened with this? Its a toughie isnt it? I want symmetry although it does rule or ruin my life that I havent. I dont know if i would bother with the nipple recon when a plastic one would do the job in clothes.

Fortunately there is a lot of discussion with doctors and nurses before you finally commit, my next appointment is in August to talk about it having already had two, months apart. I had a caesarian with my second child and have ‘an apron’ of fat ready and waiting. Havent had a flat stomach since i was a teenager.

I suppose what I am saying is that it is worth going through the discussions at least and then making your mind up.


yay, I have an appointment to get a prothesis this week. Wonder what it will be like to have a ‘real’ pretend boob!


Hi Linda,

After crying for a bit when I cancelled my further appointment I now feel a lot better and positive about it. It feels good to have made a decision one way or another. And of course there are always future options. I have a friend who is about to have reconstruction but she has some fat left on the chest and loose skin and it seems more straightforward for her. I am just so tight and my armpit looks like when a Barbie doll’s arm has come off and you can’t quite get it back in! There is too sharp a right angle from the chest to the arm which would still be the case after reconstruction. So not for me for now…

But on the positive side the reason I felt good enough to even think reconstruction is that I’ve been doing Pilates for the last 6 months. Previous to that I had been recommended swimming to help keep my arm supple but with no oestrogen I found my skin became so dry and rashy. Pilates has been even better at keeping the chest and arm stretched and comfortable. I work with the machines rather than a mat class - don’t know if that makes a difference but I would certainly recommend it to anyone who feels tight or achy after surgery. It also had a huge affect on the migraines I was getting. Before pilates I got one nearly every 10 days, lasting 2 days. Now I get one perhaps every 2 months and it is much milder.

Good luck with your surgery - it sounds like a totally positive decision for you and it is unlikely that you would get another infection especially if the hospital are aware and monitor the situation. It’s like giving birth, it is rarely the same experience each time!

I had mastectomy 3 yrs ago, and because of poor prognosis, my consultant would not consider recon, even though I asked again and again! Thankfully now have new female surgeon who is so helpful, and in the meantime told me about the ‘sticky’ boob by Amoena. I have had it for about 3 weeks now, and I am delghted! I have been able to buy normal bras, and I can wear thin strappy tops without it ‘wandering’ from its correct position. It feels so liberating I am wondering if I can do without yet more surgery, as I have major spinal problems. The aplliance specialist at the hospital was doing her best to put me off getting one, and told me very few people get on with them. So glad I didn’t take her advice! She probably has to put people off because they are more expensive or something!
Best wishes

Appointment with appliance specialist went really well. Discovered my bra size has changed. Off to buy some new bras this afternoon! The prosthesis feels so good. Of course the whole family had to touch it (not whilst I was wearing it) and make silly remarks, but we all had a laugh!



Snoogle, pleased to hear your prosthesis is good. My first one (nhs) was far too heavy. I bought a new one recently which is far more comfortable and doesnt hang forward. After reading your post
Jax, wish I had bought a stick on one. However, have followed some of the tips on here earlier and ordered some double sided tape.

Pascale, glad to hear you enjoy pilates. I used to do it but the class i went to changed to a time that I couldnt make. I do go to the gym regularly and do some of the exercise I learnt through pilates so like you I dont really have too many problems. Even my lymphoedema is under good control.

My appointment is in a few weeks about surgery and I will have to really think and decide once and for all. I do want it but not all the ‘cr…’ that goes with it.

All the best to everyone else.

I have also had a sticky boob for the last 3 weeks and totally agree it is really great, it feels more part of me than the ones you put bin your bra.
Just be warned taking them off is not pleasant.
Ask your breast care nurse, mine got me one for free.


Was just reading your posts and hope you don’t mind me joining in.
I had never been happy with by breast form and always felt lopsided so asked my BCN about the contact (sticky) breast form. She ordered it in for me and I went to pick it up last week. As she was handing it over, the BCN said ‘of course you’ll have to bring us the old one back’. Couldn’t believe my ears!!! What on earth would they do with a second hand breast form??? When I asked, she said they would probably use it for training… NHS cutbacks gone mad, I think…

Unfortunately haven’t got to wear it yet as have had further surgery in the meantime and need to wait 6 weeks. Val