I was talking to a friend last night and she told me that she had heard about a lamp which you skim over your boobs and if there are any lumps (albeit systs or whatever, it shows them. I then Realize this could be scarry as if systs worring for nothing but at least shows you somethings there and to get it checked out !!
They are actually called “Breastlight”. If you Google them it will tell you about them. I think you do it in a darkened room and look in a mirror, the info tells you how to tell what looks harmless and what doesn’t. They aren’t cheap but the info I read suggested a group of friends could buy one (about £80) and share it.
I think BCC has in the past offered some very sound advice about the problems of using this equipment.
The best advice I think for being breast aware is for women to be familiar with their own breasts so that each individual spots any early changes in what is ‘normal’ for them.
I don’t think investing in this product is a good idea.
I have posted this on behalf of the information nurse.
I wanted to come in here and give you some information about the Breastlight. Currently, there is no proof or sufficient clinical evidence that the Breastlight product results in earlier detection of breast cancer, increases survival or is any more helpful than the normal practice of being breast aware.
At Breast Cancer Care, we speak to people with breast cancer and breast cancer concerns every day and we know that self check devices may only serve to worry people, often unnecessarily.
Breast Cancer Care advocates being breast aware alongside the Department of Health, Royal College of Nursing, other UK breast cancer charities and other UK health bodies.
As you know, the breast awareness five point code encourages women to know what is normal for them and to report any changes, not just lumps, to their GPs.
If you have any personal concerns about your health, please do see your GP or if yu just want to talk things through with someone please do call our freephone helpline on 0808 800 6000
hi im jude 35 and a brca1 carrier
i have a breast light and its fantastic
until you see it you wont believe it its worth every penny and great for peace of mind
it shows the whole inside of your breast and see all the veins and everything its like a high voltage torch that illuminates
it is fantastic
my breast consultant thinks its fabulous and ordered some for the clinic so it must be good
I’ve got a question re the breast light. I was diagnosed with med grade widespread DCIS (no lump) in March which necessitated a mastectomy. I found out after operation that the DCIS had ‘started becoming invasive’ and I was on the way to having inflamatory breast cancer and a very poor prognosis (consultant said 6 months so I was extremely lucky that this was caught in time)
My concern is that my DCIS showed no lumps and the tiny calcification specs could only be picked up through mamogramm & later x-ray guided core biopsy. I feel that if I have relied on the breast light and thought nothing was wrong because I ‘couldn’t see a lump’, maybe I would have thought all was well when it was not. Not all cancers show lumps. I may be being ignorant here but can’t see how the light could show up ‘non-lump’ cancer behaviour in the breast? I was curious as to how the breast light could have helped me.
It shows any abnormality as a white or black blob or thick line. I didn’t have a lump because my cancer was only 7mm - but on my mammo there was a tiny white “star” shape. I don’t think anyone is suggesting that this should be used INSTEAD of mammos and women checking their breasts. It’s just helpful in conjunction with all the other procedures. 3 years before my dx I had some calcification specs and had a biopsy and was told that nothing needed to be done because most of them don’t grow into cancer. So whatever we do/don’t do/use/don’t use there’s always the possibility of error.
Hi all, I haven’t heard about this until now. I find it strange that some people say it’s not worth spending money on these and yet 2 of you have reported that your consultants have ordered them and think they are helpful!!
I wonder how well the light works for women, like me, who have dense breast tissue? Mammogram isn’t so helpful for us. Mine didn’t show up on either mammo or ultra sound. I find I am very anxious, therefore, about a new primary in the other breast being missed again until it begins to show itself on the surface.( changes in the nipple, in my case ).
I would be glad to invest in one of these lights if I thought it would give me some peace of mind. It’s a nuisance when you have cysts,too,they can make you reluctant to go to your GP yet again!
Has anyone got a link to any research into this invention?
Best wishes to you all,