Hi, I’ve been diagnosed with Breast cancer in my right breast and am currently awaiting more test results to determine the stage to then plan treatment. However the last two days I’ve had an aching pain on the outer side of my left breast. I wondered if this was a sign of something or more likely psychological as I wait for results/answers. I didn’t have any pain before I was diagnosed, I just went in with a lump etc. Had anyone experienced “phantom” pains after diagnosis or should I be more on the concerned side? Obviously I will know for sure at my follow up appointment on Thursday (MRI tomorrow) but just wondered in the mean time. Thanks in advance
Hi there, I remember all sorts of ‘phantom’ aches pains during this same initial stage last year and I was imaging all sorts but they all disapppeared once I had been given my treatment plan so I put it down to stress in the end. Hang on in there and all the best for Thursday, Sue x
Thanks Sue- that’s reassuring and I’m sure that’s what it is as I’ve been so stressed the last 3 weeks whilst it’s all been going on. Although Thursday may bring me further bad news I’m hopeful it won’t and quite eager to just et going with the treatment! Thanks Sue
Hi Susu, yesterday overall went well. Still a few unanswered things but on the whole good. They didn’t find any spread so looks as thought it’s most likely stage 1. However they aren’t completely happy with my lymph nodes and want to investigate further so another ultra sound and biopsy today. Still awaiting my HER2 test results which will determine whether I will be having Chemo or surgery first.
My only other consideration is the genetics test. I don’t have any family history of bc, only lung(caused by smoking) and bowl in grandparents but I do have 5 sisters. My consultant explained I will do genetic testing at some point but it’s whether I want to do it now and it be rushed through as a urgent request, meaning an answer in 3 weeks or wait. If it comes up positive he would be keen to recommend a double mastectomy and then reconstruction. I don’t know which option to go for as ultimately my main goal is to move forward with treatment as quickly as possible and I feel as if the genetics test will hold me up a bit. Without it I’m likely to be having surgery in the next 2/2.5 weeks. Going in again today so going to discuss with my key nurse I think.