Utterly brilliant letter received from benefits, they have awesomely failed - what a load of twaddle, the whole letter contradicts itself so I don’t know where we are at all !!! Look below for a copy of what it said, go on, give yourself a laugh. So now I’m going to spend all weekend worrying about whether we can still claim benefits or not now. Cheers once again government department for your additional stress.
From 26th May your ESA will be £99.85 a week, this is because of:
a decision on your capability for work. You have been placed in the Support Group.
You are not getting any more ESA.
We cannot pay you as your partner is working for 24 hours a week or more. If your partner is working for 24 hours a week or more you are not entitled to ESA as your partner is treated as ebing in full time employment.
You meet or are treated as meeting, the eligibility criteria for ESA work related activity group/support group.
Your circumstances mean you will qualify for a christmas bonus payment of £10.00 (my god, I’ll be able to buy all my family and friends all the latest things!)
Your partner may be required to take part in a work focused interview once you ahve been claiming benefit for more than 26 weeks, your partner will be notified if they are required to attend.
THEN - the amounys from 26 May 11 - 1 June 11
So, I am getting money but I’m not.
They acknowledge my OH has a job now and say he is working full time so we can’t claim ESA, then they say he might need to go to a work focused interview to find a job.
Then they say I’m entitled to £x for a week.
TOTALLY contradicts itself in each paragraph - I am now NONE THE BLOODY EFFING WISER.
This stress is doing me loads of good - Cheers for that.
And my OH is only earning £15k too, so to me that’s a low income when you have a mortgage and bills to pay, He’s not even getting £1k in his pocket every month!!! And if this is the case we cannot even feed ourselves. Great.