Just had 4xA.C. and 2nd of 4 Taxotere.
When I was first dx I had a rash on my affected breast which went almost completely after A.C. Now after 2xTax I have developed another sort of pink rash.
Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience?
Many thanks,
Hi Jan,
While you are waiting for your fellow forum users to reply, can I suggest that on Monday you contact your medical team and make them aware of what your are experiencing.
Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator
Hi. I am really sorry this is happening. Yes, as I was taking Taxotare, I also developed a pink then light redness in the affected breast.
Please do call your doctor and/or nurse so they can see it.
My surgeon was concerned that it was inflamed and it was the redness which determined that I should have surgery before I finished Tax.
There are so many variables with breast cancer, my experience doesn’t mean that this will happen to you. But I hope you will call them tomorrow.
Let us know how it turns out. It could be minor, but why take a chance!!
Thanks Jo and Emily,
I will contact my team first thing in the morning, fingers crossed it`s O.K.
Must say the thought of no more tax sounds pretty good!
Will let you know how I get on,
Hi, Jo and Emily,
Managed to see my Onc yesterday and he said there was no problem with the rash.
I had become quite excited at the prospect of no more Tax., which I am finding very hard, I only get seven good days( which happens to be this week) so it`s pack everything into it!!
We are out for dinner five nights, did a massive three week shop yesterday, golf today, grandchildren tomorrow, I just love it, I feel like I have a whole new body for a week!!
Until they hit me with it again on Monday!!
Emily, how are you coping post op? That`s is my next bridge to cross sounds pretty daunting!
Take care,