Bus routes in Edinburgh

Hi everyone,

i am travelling from lockerbie to Edinburgh shortly by train and was wondering if anyone from the area can tell me which bus number i can get from Princess street to the Cancer centre at the western general.

Hi ruperts mum.

Not many buses are actually stopping on Princes St at the moment because of the tram works, but if you come up the Waverley steps on the new escalators, cross over Princes St and head west a bit, then head up South St Davids Street, there is a bus stop just there (next to Jenners). Numbers 19, 29, 37 and 47 all go to the Western General from this stop. On the way back there is a stop on the opposite side of this road, or the 19 does stop on Princes St on the way back from the Western, opposite Waverley.

Lothian buses website has a good map of all the stops and timetables, and if you’ve got a smartphone there’s an app that tells you when the next bus is from every stop…

Al x

Thank you so much for that information. I think I am starting to get panicky about starting rads on 13 Feb but deep down i know it wil be good to get started.

It sounds like you’ve got a long way to come - are you just travelling up on the Monday and staying in Edinburgh during the week? I had a 45 minute drive each way to get to the Western and that combined with the fatiguing effect of the rads made me very very weary! I was probably a bit knackered after chemo though. Just be kind to yourself and give in to the tiredness if you feel like you need a kip in the afternoon!

The actual rads session is pretty quick and painless, and if the machines are all working i.e. there are no delays, you’re usually in and out in about 15 minutes.

There’s also a Maggies centre at the Western, just across from the cancer centre so you can pop in there for a cup of tea and a biscuit if you’re hanging around. Have you got early or late appointments?

Good luck! Al xx


There is a place at the WGH called pentland lodge which is a residential accommodation for those having cancer treatment and travelling long distances… It’s not guaranteed you would get a place there and you come up on Monday before treatment and leave on Friday after treatment… There is quite a lot of cameradery there and people are having rads for different cancers and are all ages and backgrounds but many are from the Dumfries and Galloway area.

Theres a group of us meets up regularly in Edinburgh and yiur very welcome to join us… We haven’t set a date or time for our next lunch but it’s usually on a Saturday so you may not fancy spending an extra day in Ed if you don’t need to… But it’s likely to be on the 3rd or 10th march around 1.30 and you’d be very welcom to join us… I will post on the Edinburgh and central thread nearer the time… And as Al says there is a Maggies centre at the WGH which is excellent… If you haven’t been to a look good feel better session they run them at Maggies and I would def recommend it… Check it out as they may be running one when you are there… If you start your rads on the 13th I may see you as I am maybe getting rads from 5th to 30th march around 2pm in LA1.

Good luck with your travel plans and your rads
