Hello anyone one out there clued up on mammograms i had one two months ago because i had a lump in left breast all came back clear also had ultasound and needle biopsy on that breast. Now ive got another lump in right breast if this is anything to worry about wouldnt it have shown up on mammogram im really not sure i have got a doctors app in a week but im slowly starting to panic now feeling sick with nerves just like before i would appreciate any friendly advice many thanks xxxx
Dear peanut,
I’m sorry that you are so worried - but can fully relate to how you feel. You should really speak to your GP about how you feel - and hopefully be referred for further tests. I had a small (15 mm) tumour, which did not show up on a mammogram - it did show clearly on the ultrasound though. I guess the answer to your question is that not everything can be seen on a mammogram - but please don’t panic; the majority of breast lumps are benign and completely harmless - the important thing must be to see your GP and get it checked out. I sincerely hope that everything turns out well for you. All the best.
Why not ask for an MRI scan on your breast. I believe that hosp are using them more now. You dont say your age which is important with mammograms.
Hope you get the bet possible advice and screening.
Sorry to hear you are in panic. I don’t want to worry you but I want to answer your question… a mammogram cannot detect everything and niether can an ultrasound. The best way of detecting stuff is through an MRI. Ask for one if you are worried. I have my 4th Chemo session tomorrow and I have been having some pain in my good breast…have had it checked by the doc but I am going to ask for an MRI so I can put my mind at rest…
As has been said, most lumps and bumps are harmless.
Let us know how you get on.
thanks all so much for your comments i did guess as much you know it just seems such a coincidence that id never had a lump then two months ago i get one in the left breast go through a major meltdown convinced thats my lot and that im gong to leave my 4 boys without a mum then get the all clear my god the relief was immense then here we go again one in the right breast talk about stress im trying to stay calm my husband is totally convinced that its nothing but you never know its always there niggling in the back of your mind. as to liverbirds question im 37 and very small busted was thinking of having breast enlargment but this has put me right off, and babyboo thanks for the comments hope all goes ok tomorrow. thanks everyone
its good to talk thanks everyone
lots of lovexxxxxx