My wife and I returned from a weeks holiday in Portugal when she complained of a ‘slight’ pain in her left breast. After a couple of days it didnt get any better so I booked her in to our GP. The lady doctor assessed the situation and booked an appointment with the hospital for a mammogram etc. It took over a week for this process, and in that time, the pain increased and the breast became indented. We both carried out examinations on the area and, when feeling the area, its best described as a hard cord that runs from below the armpit to under the nipple area (almost like a ligament or tendon presence). Naturally we are both scared and worried, almost fearing the worst. When the doctor carried out his examination, he was very suprised at the formation of this ‘lump’ and sent us straight to have a Ultrasound and Mammogram. The results were still confusing as the ultrasound consultant (sorry dont know the correct title) said that the results were inconclusive. Her reasons were that if it was cancer it would be a mass formation rather than a tube/cord effect. When I asked if it could have been a varicous vein (my wifes mother and grandmother both had it)she said it was possible but she couldnt committ. The fact that this has appeared very rapidly and as the time has gone on, the indentation has appeared and remains painful (my wife describes this to a ‘toothache’ type pain)is very worrying for us both. We now have to wait for another appointment when they will carry out a core ultrasound when they take tissue samples and then send them off to labs etc. We are both trying to remain positive and wondered if anyone on this forum has any experience of such similar lumps/indentations etc. We know we will have to wait until the results are complete but its just such a long time to wait. We would appreciate any feedback please. Many thanks for your time in this matter.
Hello loubambam
Welcome to the forums, this is a very worrying time for you both but you have come to the right place for support from our experienced users who I’m sure will be along to support you soon.
In the meantime maybe you would like to talk things through with a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 600 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 to 2.00.
Best wishes
June, moderator
Oh Dear, what a worrying time for you both, it does sound very unusual, and even the radiologist is puzzled. The only comfort I can offer is that nowadays they are very honest about what they say to you. If he thought it was definately cancer he would probably have told you. however as he has not ruled it out either all you can both do is wait for the next step.
Do remember that there here are so many lumps and bumps and 90%(i think) turn out not to be cancerous, and then even if cancer cells are found there are so many different types of cancer it could be. Some are slow growing and do not spread and can be treated realy quickly, others of course are the more aggresive types that people think of when we hear the word cancer. Treatment is not necesserily pleasant but everyone on here says that it is doable. I am hoping that mine can be sorted with a quick op and no furthur treament, but it it is more I have been realy reassured by the stories on here.
The waiting for those first appointmens and results are the worst time, there will be other people on soon to give you support and advice.
do use this forum for any questions you and your wife might have about the tests and proceedures, or just to express how you are feeling. Everybody seems to remember what it was like at first and is very supportive
Hello there, sorry you’re both having such a worrying time. We’ve all been there and it’s difficult. It sounds as though you have a nice supportive relationship, so that’s a bonus. My best advice is to call the Helpline, they really are wonderful and extremely knowledgeable.
Wishing you both lots of luck