Can anyone help shed some light??


I’m new to the forum and desperately seeking some help.
I am 29 years old with unknown family hist as I was adopted at birth.
Back in January I noticed tenderness in my R breast, it was there all the time and quite sore. At the beginning of Feb I asked my DH if he would feel to see if he could feel anything strange. We both felt a ‘hard’ area in the upper right area.

I saw my GP who examined me and said it felt like a cyst so he referred me to the breast clinic. Since seeing the GP my breast seems to have grown in size quite a bit and the nipple appears ‘pulled’ downwards.

Today was my appointment with the breast clinic and I am so so confused.

Saw the nurse who asked me some questions, then the Dr came in complaining that he had to start work at 8:30am… he examined me lying down and said I don’t feel anything but i’ll send you round for an ultrasound anyway.
My DH was sitting on the chair behind me and he said even HE could see the outline of this ‘lump/hard area’ when I lay down.

Went for Usound, radiologist said she can see a ‘ridge’ type thing but not to worry and she would give her report to the doc.

Saw doc again, he states you are perfectly normal so you must have rib pain or muscular pain… here are some painkillers, off you go.

I came out of there totally confused, speechless etc. Don’t get me wrong I am VERY glad they saw nothing sinister, but how can he explain all my breast changes with rib/muscular pain?

I just don’t know where to go from here and I feel so lost.
Any help is appreciated!!

Maybe not then. I will move on, thanks

Hi shellb

Sorry you have not had any replies so far, please feel free to call our helpline for further support and to talk through the concerns you have on 0808 800 6000, it’s open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.

Take care

I wish I had seen your post sooner, but have been out most of afternoon seeing surgeon, I totally understand your fear. On the one hand its great news that the Dr didn’t see anything sinister. But your fears are absolutely justified… and these wont diminish until you understand what they found.
I am still a ‘newbie’, but one suggestion would be to contact your GP, explain your fears and concerns and ask for an appointment to discuss the ultrasound findings (the breast clinic will send your GP the findings)

Hi, Shellb, glad all seems ok, but if in a couple of weeks you are still concerned and you are unsure about things go back to GP and ask to go somewhere else for second opinion. Dont leave it to long if you are worried.
Not sure about your finances but a friend of mine went to a one stop breast check stop at her local private hosp think it was a BMI hospital and they were really helpful when she was in a similar situation.
Take care
Dawn x

Hi Shellb

The Hospital Dr will send a report to your GP. I would advise you to make an appointment with your GP to discuss it.
Don’t leave it and go away and worry. It isn’t worth it. Even if you are feel like you are being a nuisance, let them reassure you. I would soon feel like a nuisance than spent the next few weeks worrying. I am sure the Dr is right in saying it is nothing but you must feel confident in them.

Very best wishes