Can lymph nodes on other side be affected?

Diagnosed July 07. Mastectomy Chemo and radiotherapy. Now on Femara. Whilst on chemo my other breast and armpit felt uncomfortable. Surgeon said this was due to the chemo. 4 months after finishing chemo it still feels the same - in particular I can feel something in the armpit - not so much a lump as a ridge that moves.
Anyone else had anything like this? You wouldn’t expect the cancer to turn up whilst on chemo - or would you?

Hi Sarcath,
Had the same feeling under my armpit and other breast during chemo, phoned my consultant and an appointment was arranged 2 days later, had the scan and everything was ok…I think any worries at all you should speak to consultant or breast care nurse. By the way I had the result of scan same day…Best of luck!