Can't believe it!

Hi everyone, I’m off on holiday for a week, will hopefully set me up before the dreaded chemo, not sure if I will be able to get to a computer, but i will be thinking of you all and hoping that you are all getting on ok!
Keep this thread going, take care all, love Debs xxxxxxx

Have a lovely time, Debs - just forget all of it for a while, if you can.

have a good holiday debs, enjoy your last bit of ‘normality’ before you start on the cemo road. I might be starting with you, catch you when you get back

Luv Pauline xxx

Hi all

Hope you are having a good holiday Debs- a good week weather wise!

Hope everyone is okay.

I’m not bad but feeling a bit ‘lost’ as I’m kind of in that limbo waiting period (AGAIN). Following my last appointment which told me of my need for the mastectomy I’ve heard nothing since. I’m waiting for a letter with a date with the surgeon regarding reconstruction but no letter has come yet.Although I have looked into the option a bit I know I need to speak to them first to find out what my options are.
Why is everything in this game so full of frustrating waiting time!!!

I do hope everyone is getting on okay,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxx

Freddie, why not contact the BCN to discuss your options? And don’t wait too long to check on your appointment - surely two weeks is enough to wait (although people may be on holiday this week.)

Hi Freddie.

So sorry to hear you are waiting (yet again). Did they say at your last appointment when you should expect the date for your op? Can you get in touch with your consultant’s secretary to chase it up? The waiting is unbearable and my thoughts are with you. I really hope you hear soon. Please stay in touch.

I am going for the results of the excision biopsy I had last week tomorrow, I am very scared!!

Hope everyone else is bearing up.

Love to all,



Hi Susanne and Alison,

Great to hear from you both. I did discuss some of the options with the BC nurse but she’s only really been able to give me all of the options. Apparantly some options are better than others depending on your size ,shape etc so it is really the surgeon that can give the most personal advice. Even so, I could try and get to see her again. Part of the problem is that I have my two young children with me all the time and husband has had loads of time off with me already so appointments can be difficult to get to.

You’re both right though. If I don’t get anything tomorrow then I’ll give them a ring.

Alsin, I’m wishing you all the very best for tomorrow. At least it will give you a clearer picture of things though.I’ll have everything crossed for you,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

so sorry freddie that yet again you are waiting,with the kids holidays, the consultants have probely gone away to,
alison good luck on your results,
well i went yesterday to look at the chemotherapy suite, could not quite beleive how they are all sat in a long line,on comfy chairs both men and women having their chemo administered,is anyone elses the same,i went for a blood test and she couldnt find the vein, so she went to fetch anouther nurse who said have you tryed the other arm, so i said i had been told not to let anyone take blood or bloodpressure from that arm because of the risk of lymphodema,the nurse said it should be ok, and said do you have lympodema, i said no but could that cause it, so off she went and another nurse came in and put a little canular in to get it from my good hand,what is the point of use being given all the info to safe gaurd our arm,and then she says that, as anyone else had this?
sorry to rant but i was abit annouyed, well ready for the big kick-off tonnorrow with chemo
hugs to all julie

Alison - will be crosssing all for you today - due no5 chemo today and dreading it but it’ll be 1 left aftet that…freddie - waiting again grrrrr…keep your pecker up…are you coming to Dobbies on sunday? I’m hoping I’ll be ok but need to see nearer the time - even if I get dropped off for an hour…mary x

jlie - have the same thing every time with the nurses, they don’t seem to care sometimes but keep reminding them - I just call it my bad arm and it seems to put them off…mary x

Hi all

Well, what a lovely day- been to Weston Park with the children and had a loevely time- made me feel lots better.

Julie I hope all goes well with the chemo tomorrow.
Mary i’m hoping to be there on Sunday- is there a time arranged?

Alison, I’ve been thinking of you all day and hope things have gone okay. Let us know how you’ve got on as soon as you are ready to,

Take care all

Love Freddie xxxxxxx

Hello Ladies.

I had the most unbelievable news at the hospital today. My excision biopsy last week detected no cancer and the hospital have discharged me with a clean bill of health - no further appointments, check-ups or scans required. The thing that was causing all the suspicious results on all my scans, Radial Scar, was entirely removed last week but it was totally benign.

I am almost as shocked as I was on April 1st, the day I was given a definite diagnosis of cancer. Not even 1% of me imagined I would get this result today. I don’t think the news has sunk in yet.

I feel so incredibly lucky, and my heart goes out to all you wonderful ladies on this extremely supportive forum as I know I have had a very close ‘scrape’ and ‘there but for the grace of God’ etc…

The last two months have been very humbling and I feel that everything that has happened has given me a wake-up call (which perhaps I needed) and I plan to have a think about making some changes in my life.

I have been absolutely stunned about the amazing support I have had from my family and friends throughout this time, and, of course, you guys. I really do not know how I would have got through the past two months without you and I would like to thank you all for your incredible kindness and support. There really is no substitute for talking to other people who have been in the same situation. I will never forget you all and how much you have helped me.

With love and the sincerest best wishes to you all,

Mary - how was chemo no 5 today?? ‘Only’ one more ahead after this so you will be on the home run. X

Freddie - any news today?? X

Hi Alison

I’m so sooooooooo pleased to hear the news. Great results are always so good to hear . I agree that these things are a kind of ‘wake up call’.

You are now free to get on with your life and put all these horrid times behind you,

No news for me today- will ring them tomorrow if there’s no letter in the post

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxx

PS Mary- do hope you are okay after your chemo today too.xx

Alison, that’s wonderful - best news of the lot. Enjoy your life now - you will value it all the more for having such a close scrape!

Hi Ladies

Sorry but you’re in for a vent of anger and upset from me now.

I am so cross and upset. I have just phoned my hospital to ask where my appointment is regarding the recon and they have no reocrd of my decision of the MX and recon. Despite me discussing everything with the BCN and she saying that she was going to put the various details in the letter it seems that no letter has been written. This was 10 days ago. I was forgotten about. I’ve now got to wait until Monday as the particular BCN is on holiday and then start the process again.

I am so upset about this- it seems that unless we chase things up all the time nothing ever happens.I don’t have much faith in the systems anymore.

I think it is all beginning to hit me now.

Am I expecting too much- am I right to be cross?
Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh Freddie - you have every right to be cross. This is so similar to what happened to me with the referral to the Onc. I’m sure if I hadn’t chased it I’d still be sitting here twiddling my thumbs (same hospital, folks!)

Alison - so so so so chuffed for you!! I know what you mean about the wake up call - I said the same when I was waiting for my results, so you can now get on with things - we will too but a bit later!!
Freddie - omg - angry - blood vessel popping mad I’d say…I have had to chase so much myself with all this and it drives me mad that to them we’re just a name - I’m sorry but I have no faith in my so called bcn either…anyway, ahve the wwkend off and go get em monday - if you want t chat call me, are you going on sunday to dobbies?? mary x


Thanks for the messages of support guys- I’m still cross and very frustrated by it all. I also worry about how many others have to go through these problems but may not shout lou enough about it??

Hoe you’re both okay on the chemo MAry and Susanne.

I’m hoping to be at Dobbies on Sunday- I’ll be the one with the red mist around me!!

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Freddie, Susanne and Mary, thank you so much for your messages, your replies really meant a lot to me.

Mary - I love your attitude - yes, you WILL be able to get on with things too, albeit a bit later. Hope your chemo no. 5 was no too bad…remember, you’re on the home run now.

Susanne, sincerely hope your chemo is going ok.

Oh Freddie…how frustrating for you, I’m not surprised you feel so cross and upset. It really is just unbelievable that 10 days have passed since you saw the BCN and you’ve been waiting in all good faith only to find nothing has been progressed. It really is just not good enough. I feel furious for you. Hope you manage to convey your feelings about this unnecessary delay when you speak to the hospital on Monday. I know exactly what you mean about other patients who may not be proactive enough to chase overdue hospital stuff. The mind boggles. Kick some ass on Monday.

Have a greet meet you guys on Sunday. If I was in the south of the country I would be there with you.


Hi all
Alison what fantastic news. Hope you are celebrating in style this weekend.
Freddie vent away - I would be fuming.
Mary hope your tax went well.
Had chemo at the alternative chemo unit yesterday and I’m not impressed. Not as personal and more like a production line. Took 3 attempts to get cannula in and when they did I bled all over my brand new skirt, chair and floor. I was shown someone elses blood results instead of my own and to cap it all they couldn’t find some of my tablets so i had to go to pharmacy at my original hosptal on my way home to pick up some more! Thank goodness I only have 2 more doses to go.
Hope to see some of you tomorow.