
Mine had an impact on my liver tumours after just one cycle, but there certainly wasn’t much change after just a week. With all these things there is a huge variation, in the speed and length of the response.

Hope that it works for you and for a good long time.


Hi everyone
Janet - I have dyed my hair quite a few times whilst on this drug, I use the dyes that you buy in the supermarket, and I have had no problems or adverse effects.

Scaryfox - I had a scan after 3 or 4 doses and it showed the capecitabine was working well, and it had made a lymph node I had in my abdomen disappear. I will have another scan in another couple of months and hope for further shrinkage. I know how horrible it is having a lump in your neck. I had one a few years ago and hated it as it was uncomfortable and I was constantly aware of its presence. However, it did go after a few months. (I was on a different chemo then), but take heart because there is every chance that this will work for you. there are quite a few of us ladies on this drug, reporting success with it, so let’s hope it also works for you.
Love, Claire

Hello fellow Capecitabiners…if you still have your hair on starting this drug you may find, like Fiona, it seems thicker…I have. I think it took approx 3 cycles before my tumour markers really started to respond to the chemo. I have puffy ankles too. (I wear very long trousers!) I can feel a bit tired on the first couple of days after the end of a cycle. Good Luck…Sorry this is a rushed post as I’m now going on a shopping marathon. This drug has been working for ages, over 2 years for me now, sorry I’ve probably mentioned this numerous times here already…but Good Luck to all…hope you get such good results from these peachy tablets…x.x.x

hi,thank you for your comments about hair colouring,yes i think i will go for it.after all it will make me feel on cycle 3 now but feel really tired but having a scan soon so hopefully its working.good luck to you all.janet.xx

Thanks for the info all, saw my onc again yesterday who told me to be a bit more patient, ie wait 2-3 cycles and see. Always prefer to hear it from the real experts though - ie my fellow pill poppers!

Good news about the hair too - my secondary diagnosis seems to have brought with it another grey streak!

Best wishes all xxx

Hi Ladies, Hope you don’t mind me joining in this thread. I’ve got liver and spine mets dx in jan this year. I’m having weekly taxotere (10th one today) Had a CT scan last week and saw the ONC on Friday. He said that the tumours had shrunk slightly but not as much as he’d hoped, so as you can imagine I’ve been in a black hole all weekend. I still have 9 more treatments so I’m hoping it will improve. Just wanted to ask if anyone else has been down this route and will he put me on Capecitabine next if this doesn’t work? Also, why didn’t he put me on that in the first place. I’m feeling confused about all the possible treatments so any advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

Hope you are all having a good day. Thanks in advance. Dianne x x x


i have my hair dyed every 5-6weeks! and this has been since last june when i started capcitabane (im now on cycle 15)- my hairdresser uses a less harsh dye - i will try n find out. i am only 36 nearly 37, but my hair is goin grey due to lack of oestrogen i think (had ovaries out 4 years ago) so have to hav my hair dyed regualrly cant stand grey hair - altho iv had 2 comments recently that i was 30 and late 20s so quite chuffed by that!!

R :slight_smile:

ps. forgot to say - after 15 cycles of capc, the capcitabane has not only shrank my tumours by half (3.5cm now 1.6cm the largest one) but i had numerous scattering of tumours in my liver, but now only have 3 tumours! and 2 in my lungs so thats pretty amazin! :slight_smile: the onc is very pleased!

side effects are pretty good too, im now on 3600mg a day amd my hands n feet are ok, very slightly tender but ok, and im managing to continue working 3 days a week (only just reduced my hours from 4 days since april) so all is pretty good :slight_smile:

and i went out ‘clubbing’ on a girls night out on saturday (first in ages) and it was fantastic!!! and danced the night away and my feet held up fine and in high heels!! well pleased!! (probably the quantity of g n ts helped!!) :slight_smile: but had a great time!

R :slight_smile:

Hi Dianne

Sorry your results not as good as u hoped. I was on taxotere during aug - nov 07, but had it 3 weekly and it did work on my liver mets big time, but I only had 3 tax and 3 FEC. Hopefully your continued treatment will start to zap the blighters.

I too am no on capacitabine - 4000mg a day, 2000mg in morn and 2000mg in evening. Get my latest ct results on wednesday this week, so now bricking it.

I hope everyone is OK and coping with life and Kay, I hope you are ok and things settling down. Send me pm if you can.

Lots of love

Hi Dawn, Thanks for your lovely message. I had the 10th chemo yesterday and the nurse said that at least I’m responding to it an if it hadn’t been working he would have changed the treatment immediately. I’ve bounced again today thank goodness, feeling ok from the chemo at the moment and my husband is off work so we’re going for a walk with the dog. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow when you get your test results and hoping they will be wonderful.

Take care, hope to hear from you soon. Have a good day everyone and be good to yourselves. Lotsa love, Dianne x x x

Dawn - fingers crossed for good results tomor :slight_smile: xx

Dawn - please let us know how you get on tomorrow. Wishing and hoping it’s all good news.


I love to read this thread & keep up to date with you all…Capecitabine is still on the back burner for me…onc planning on trying more rads first…I’m not so sure, but she’s the expert!

Dawn…best of Luck for your CT results tomorrow!


Hi Dawn
best of luck tomorrow, heres to great results xx

good luck for tomorrow Dawn

Hi Dawn, Good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you, hope you get good results. Hope its an early appointment and you’re not waiting all day.
Lesley xx

Hi Dawn

Hope you got good results today. I’ve joined the ‘Cap Club’ as I started Capecitabine/Lapatinib on Tuesday so just waiting for side effects to kick in.

All the best


Hi Linda,

I’m on Capecitabine and Lapatinib. Be interested in your experience. So far I’ve had allergic reaction to Lapatinib, now controlled with Piriton but still not up to full dosage.


Hi All

Well got my results on Wednesday and told everything is Stable - no new growths, no change with existing tumours. So I should be happy, but am a little disappointed as wanted to be told some shrinkage, but hey ho, least it is good that things not got worse.

Still on capecitabine and herceptin, so hopefully will continue to be good news. Got my 11th capecitabine week tuesday, and no major probs, just one split on both heels.

Hope everyone is ok and coping well and enjoying the lovely weather.


So glad to hear your news, stable is good although I felt the same when I had my last scan a few weeks ago and had the same results, I too had hoped for shrinkage.
After posting on this site with the results ladies on here had the same thoughts about stablity so I am accepting this and hoping for some shrinkage next time as I have read somewhere that it can take quite a while and then suddenly there is a noticeable change for the better, on the other hand so long as it is a no worse then that’s good. I am just finishing cycle 8 and am absolutely tired out and am finding I just have to go with it and rest every afternoon. I too have Arthritis in back, hips and knees and don’t feel this is helping.
Enjoy the good weather and that goes to everyone.
Lesley xxx