
Saw my oncologist last Friday, although this is my 4th recurrence I have never had chemo and she feels this is the way to go. Have been told that the type which will suit me best is an oral one called Capecitabine, have to go to see the chemo nurse on Friday, have CT scan on Monday and start chemo next week.

Anyone else had this chemo.

Best wishes


hi jan i am about to start this one but have had other chemo but recurrence, i am triple neg though we will have to keep in touch and see how we get on x

Hi Jan
Yes, am on capecitabine too - just finished 4th cycle and have review tomorrow; seems to be stablising my liver mets well so hope it works for you. Lots of good info on the “liver and bone mets” thread about side-effects - my only one is sore feet and hands so it does seem alot “gentler” than other chemos.
Do get in touch if you want to “chat” further or can’t find the thread with info.
Good luck - taking tablets is so much easier than IV that if it works that’s great and we can keep on taking this; there’s someone on this site who’s been on it for 7 years!! Now that’s a positive thought to end on!

Hi Jan

There is a massive thread on here about capecitabine, but a little info for you now. This chemo comes in tablet form and you take it twice a day for 3 weeks with a week off. The amount you take is based, I think, upon your weight. I took 3 tablets morning and evening, both times half an hour after eating. I found it very tolerable (I’ve had chemo before) and the bonus is that you don’t lose your hair - may be a little thing but it made me feel less ‘toxic’. Common side effects are sore hands and feet. Keep them well moisturised - for the feet they recommend putting a thick layer of cream on the feet and letting it soak in rather than rubbing in. If your feet or hands start to crack contact your medical team asap as they can give you a supplement to relieve symptoms. I sound like a preacher but I recommend Dr Scholl Hydra Step sandals - these are moisturised sandals and I wore them as slippers round the house. Another thing I noticed was that I needed a decent breakfast before taking my morning dosage - i.e toast rather than a smoothie. I felt a bit sick if I didn’t have some carbs! As with all chemo, be rigorous about hand washing and if you have manicures or pedicures don’t allow them to clip your cuticles. I took it for 6 cycles and had really positive results with regard to my liver tumours. I felt pretty well on it and wish you all the best for your treatment.

Alison x

Hi Jan

Just about to finish my first cycle and its not been too bad at all, I’m am however constipated and suffer with fatigue but have just completed 3 weeks of rads so I’m probably knackered from that. I know its early days so no idea if any other SE’s will kick in but I do enjoy my reflexology at the local Macmillan centre so hoping my feet stay pain free.

Good luck with your treatment feel free to PM me if you want any further info.


Hi all, I notice this thread is a few years ago but hoping for a response. Saw my oncologist on Friday and found the hormone trial I have been on is not keeping 1 pesky little tumour in my lung at bay so has suggested a stint of chemo. There were two options the capecitabine or a weekly intravenous type. I have opted for the capecitabine as can’t go through the hair loss again.  I didn’t ask how long you would be on the treatment for, thought it may be just a few cycles but can see from the posts it could be years which is very positive but just wondering are people still working whilst on the treatment. I currently work in a school so when I had my first chemo (Fec-t) was off for the course of my treatment as more susceptible to infection and not the best environment to be in a school! Does this chemo effect your immune system as much as wondering if it is now time for me to be calling it a day with my job? Xxx

Hiya Tessa
Although I’m not on cape …there is a better thread on secondary bc …treatments …where there are loads of ladies with experience of it and will offer you good advice and replies.
Some of the ladies have been taking it for a very long time .

Thank you Carolyn, I will take a look xx