Carn't make up my mind - Left reduction & Right Mastopexy

Hi everyone

I’m quite new to this forum and find its really great lots of information.

I’m in my 4th year since being diagnosed with Stage III invasive Duct. Car. in which I had a lumpectomy, Chemo and Rad.

I now have very uneaven breasts left is large and right small, so have been offered Right Mastopexy and Left Reduction on the 1st December 2010. I’m scared to take this step - I’m really greatful to have been offered this surgery to correct my breast. Family and friends carn’t see why I could even consider having this operation and think I’m mad saying it could cause so many more problems and stay as I am.

Has anyone had a reduction and mastopexy, I would love to hear how you got on and if you felt it was worth it - I am 60 now am I to old?

best wishes Sarniexx

Hi Sarnie,
I didnt have the same procedure as you, but did have a therapeutic mammoplasty on the BC breast and reduction on the good one. There is still some ‘tidy up’ surgery to do as I lost my nipple and have ‘dog ears’ to due having very large breasts… BUT, I would recommend it to anyone, I now have perky, even breasts.
Re age… 60 is not too old for anything!!
Best wishes

Hi Sarnie

Like Marguerite I had a therapeutic mammoplasty on the BC breast, i.e. they did a lumpectomy and used some of my remaining tissue to make up volume where the tumour had been and re-shaped the whole thing, so effectively a breast reduction and lift. I’m really pleased with the results of that, it’s a nice perky shape that should last the test of time better than my original large-but-starting-to-sag one. I’m due to have a lift and reduction on the good one in a few weeks time and I can’t wait to get that done, I hate looking and feeling so uneven.

It’s all very well for other people to say they think you are mad but they are not the ones who have to live with it. Some women seem to cope brilliantly with far worse than this, but I’m not one of them. If this surgery is what you need to feel comfortable with yourself and how you look, then go for it. And 60 is not old, it’s only classed as late middle age these days! I’m 51 myself, but it doesn’t matter what age we are, we still want to feel comfortable with how we look, even if we’re not going to see 21 again.

PM me if you’d like to talk more.
Sarah x

Hi Sarnie, i had dx the same as you(aug 07) but also had herceptin,i had a reduction and uplift in june this year on my left (good) boob and was very nervous about it but nearly 4 months later it has healed very well and i am very pleased with the result ive still got quite a dent from the 2 wle (cancer side) but im lucky it is on the outer side so not at all visible in a bra. Only my partner and daughter knew i was having it done and both were very supportive,although there is alot of scarring it has settled down very well and i have been assured it will fade after time so i am really glad i went through with it,i like you took time to think about it and i wanted to do it for me as like you i was very uneven,my advice would be to put yourself first when making your decision “and you are not too old” go for it if thats what you want to do im glad i did. Good Luck Mizzy 53yrs xxx

Thanks everyone for your comments, its better knowing someone thats already been through similar breast operations as sometimes you just feel so alone.

Best wishes Sarniexx