Chalky deposits in mammogram, biopsy taken on raw nipple - what to think?

Hi there, just wondered if anyone can share their experience with me? I have had a sore/itchy raw nipple since Jan, 4 lots of antibiotics later with no difference was referred to the breast surgeon, my appt was last Thu, doc had said it was just a precaution, but when the sugeon saw me he sent me for a mammogram straight away and said he would need to do a biopsy, I came back from the mammogram, the surgeon introduced me to a specialist breast nurse then did a ‘punch biopsy’ under local. He said the mammogram showed 'chalky deposits and to come back in 2 weeks, adding that he was referring the mammogram info to a radioliogist who may call me to arrange a biopsy of the chalky bits. I was then left with the breast nurse who first mentioned cancer to me, she was lovely. I just feel like I want them to take my breast off now and get rid of any risk but then the next minute I feel like I am over worrying, I have a 6 year old and a nearly 3 year old and am desperate to know the results, I havent heard from the radiologist but I dont know if this is a good sign or not? does anyone have any experience or views on this? I have researched images and lots of sites and it does seem likely that I could have pagets so I am preparing for this, but then I feel like a hypochondriac. Any thoughts or experience most gratefully received.

Hi Jesmech

I’m sorry to hear that you are having a pretty tough time at the moment. I’m sure the users of this site will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime maybe you would like to talk to a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 600 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Dear Jesmech, waiting for the results from a biopsy is incredibly hard, and no doubt all sorts is going through your mind. All of a sudden time just goes so slow when you are waiting for results and investigations. If there is anything you can do to distract yourself, then do so. Phoning the help line as suggested above, or Macmillan may also be very helpful. The people on the other end of the phone provide a very good listening ear, and can give helpful ideas for getting through all this. They are very knowledgable and have lots of experience. i have found them incredibly reassuring. Please avoid Dr Google though, as there is lots of information on the Internet that is way out of date, scary and it can be upsetting you unnecessarily.
Did you get the contact details of the breast care nurse specialist? They are usually very good, and if you are nervous or want to know something it is good to get in touch with them, just to help calm you down.
I hope things turn out to be ok for you. There are always lots of friendly ladies here to help.
warmest wishes

Thankyou so much for your reply and kind words, the two weeks have passed so tomorrow morning is when I will find out the results of the biopsy. Fingers crossed and thanks again.

Thank you so much Christine for your kind and practical advice, I plucked up the courage to call the breast nurse and she explained the timescales in terms of the biopsy takes a week, then the meeting where the radiologist would consider a second biopsy would have been yesterday, this helped me put it into perspective in that I just need to hang on for tomorrow (my two weeks are up). I have to say too that actually just putting things down online really helped me (though i have read it back and i think i just neded to ofload to someone) I had not wanted to call anyone as I felt silly ( I know this is crazy!) .
I also received a copy of the letter at the weekend which was sent to my doctor here it mentions that my nipple looks ‘pagetoid’ and the chalky deposits to him look like DCIS, this actually made me feel better in that it was specific with names Which were not mentioned during my appointment. For me, I feel more empowered having looked on the Internet, I really appreciate your advice and the breast nurse said the same, for me personally I know if they mention these terms tomorrow i will have some understanding and can ask questions from having looked them up. i am not very good at taking in information in an auditory manner, so reading and looking at images is useful for me and not frightening. Thanks again.

To update, I do have pagets in just my left breast, they have decided not to do a biopsy on the chalky bits as have said i need to have a mastectomy and will test the breast tissue removed for DCIS at that point, had an ultra sound yesterday and this did not indicate any problems in the lymph areaso they will sample some lymph nodes during the mastectomy. I am really lucky for this to be treatable and will see the reconstruction surgeon on Monday.