change of breast implants

Hi Im new to this, last week i posted a topic about having my implants changed but i put it in the wrong place. has anyone got any thoughts on changing implants? i had my mastectomy 10years ago and now my normal breast has sagged with age, i have lost weight and my implant is much to large. i want to have a mastopexy in the original and a new implant in the other. Has anyone had a change of implants? my gp tells me i am being “silly” and that it is uneccessary anaesthetic and i should sort out my mind,not my body. I am seeing a plastic surgeon this week so any comments would be nice.

Hi Barbara

The helpline staff might be able to help you with this one, I’m sure they’ve come across people with the same or similar problem so hopefully may have some good advice for you. The lines open this morning at 9am until 5pm, calls are free, 0808 800 6000.

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi Barbarah

I have just had a mastectomy and so will probably be in your situation in 10 years time and i think you should feel happy body and mind. Your body image will definitely affect your mind and I am suprised that a GP has made these comments - was it a man???

I kept asking my surgeon if they were happy with the results of my mastectomy and they said that it was more important that I was happy with the results - both short and long term. He said that their relationship with me will be for the long term and that if there was anything that I was unhappy with then they would be there to get it sorted.

In my opinion you should ignore you GP’s thoughtless and ignorant comments and go with your heart. I suspect you will find your plastic surgeon much more helpfull and constructive!! You go girl!!

Love Ruthus xxxx

Hi Barbara

I think your GP is totally out of order. I had my implants put in three years ago, had problems infections etc, and had to have redone and they are not perfect. However, due to have lipo infill later in the year. Mine are bilateral implants, but they have dropped slightly and could do more so after another few years. These GPs don’t realise how it affects us emotionally and mentally. I would change your GP, or tell him he has to refer you, you are not taking NO for an answer.

Hi Girls, thanks for your comments. My GP is a Woman! albeit a little indian lady. I went to see the plastic surgon last thursday, told him what she had said and we went through it all again, he was absolutely lovely, very reassuring and the op is set for 22/9. will keep you all informed and thankyou once again for letting me know what you feel like. For too long I have kidded myself that everything was “fine” but my marriage is on the slide and I think it has made me more aware And I have discovered that this web site forum exists for me to chew things over with other girls going or have gone through the same thing as me.barbarah

Hi everyone, thought i would just update you. Had my surgery done on 22/9 I had a mastopexy on the good breast and on the mastectomy breast the surgeon removed my old implant, tidied up the skin that was sagging checked what size implant i needed and found that the original was the same size so he put it back where it came from. I look so much better, both hang the same level on my chest. I am still sore but everything appears to be going ok. I have to see the doctor next week but am hoping he will be pleased and more of the swelling will have gone down. the marriage side is still not to good but at least now my boobs wont be one problem that i will need to worry about. God help everyone when the sun comes out next summer dont think i will be able to keep them covered.
One last thing I have noticed, my mastectomy boob had always been cold to touch now is lovely and warm like the other. Anyone know why?