check ups

Hi, just wondering if anyone ever has any bloods checked when they go for check ups? I know they checked bloods at the beginning and during chemo but wondering if thats something that some people have at check ups aswell?

Hi Smiler

When I had routine check ups there were no blood tests just a ‘chat’ to see how things were going. However at my November appointment I was given a blood test form for my next 6 month check up, I have to go for the tests just before the next appointment. The tests are for ‘markers’, liver functions and calcium levels.

At any time you are worried, always get back in touch with the BC nurse and ask to be seen, they will give you blood tests if they feel something needs to be ruled out.
I am lucky here in Notts, I can get seen within a week if I am worried. Quicker than waiting to see my GP!


I have 6monthly check ups and have bloods taken before each one and onc gives results when I see him.

Hi Smiler,
I finished chemo and then rads on new years eve. The standard treatment here is for blood tests within 6 weeks of finishing rads to check your blood and neuts are all ok. Then we go on 12 week monitoring, alternating between your surgeon and the onc. I have seen both once so far and have blood tests before the visit to the onc each time. He does a full blood count, esr, bone profile, liver profile,electrolyte profile and Ca 15- 3 for tumour markers.He also checked my thyroid last time as I said I was always cold. I also get a full touchy feely check each time from both consultants. I guess the appointments will be further apart as time goes on. I am having my third check up since new years eve at the end of April.
By the way my dx is grade 2, er+ and pr+ with no spread. I hope this is helpful rather than going to worry you. Is there any particular reason for you asking? Hope you are ok. My onc is extremely vigilant with everyone, from what I can gather.
Good luck
Lily x

Hi, Thanks for all your comments ladies. it really helps to hear from other people in a similar situation. I have had 2 check ups and have had my yearly mammogram for the 1st time since dx but other than that it’s just been a good ‘touchy feely’ check as you say Lily. Was wondering whether to ask about monitoring bloods but obviously it’s not the norm here…or I’ve missed out!But now I hear it is the norm for some I feel braver about asking my bc nurse!
Thanks again,

I think we must be bottom of the NHS heap here in Oxfordshire! I only get 2-yearly mammograms as they say there is not the budget for more. (Never mind that a recurrence is far more expensive to treat.) So I pay for my alternate year one privately. I’ve never had blood tests except for routine during chemo to check the white count etc. So count yourself lucky if you get an annual mammo and blood tests done. In fact I go tomorrow for my penultimate check up (dread) and might mention the fact that other PCT’s take blood!

Just FYI, saw my consultant today and asked him about bloods. He said it’s the research hospitals such as the Marsden and Christie that do blood tests. Also they are notoriously unreliable as a diagnostic tool.

I am not under Marsden or Christies or a specialist bc unit but my onc uses bloods for liver function,bones,tumour markers and red and white cell counts.He says markers are only really useful to measure movement if cancer has spread but a sudden rise would trigger scans.

I attend Leicester Royal Infirmary and have bloods taken every nine weeks…To me they are my ‘life line’ at the moment. I feel that if at least the blood tests are ‘normal’ I am making some sort of headway in beating this disease.

Sounds like quite a few places do routine blood tests. I’m wondering why some don’t? is it down to money or other reasons?
Pollysue, sounds like your place are thorough with tests evry 9 weeks!

I am in Chelmsford, Essex although I understand our hospital is a centre of excellence for BC so I guess to get that they would need to tick a lot of boxes such as a high level of care. They are also searching for a cure here but that is the local university and is all funded by voluntary contributions. Bits of all our tumours (as long as you agree to it) are taken and stored there to try to find out what treatment works on what type of tumour. Hopefully they will be successful. They have a chunk of mine! Although more testing would not really change anything, we have a very high local survival rate appparently so maybe early warnings of a recurrence are beneficial in some cases. Wish we all had top treatment though
Lily x

At my hospital (Guy’s and Thomas’s) they just do a breast examination once every six months, plus annual mammogram. There’s no blood test and no opportunity to talk.

Different oncs ONCE AGAIN have very different views about blood tests. Mine says they are very unreliable, unless you already have spread to another part of the body, and can give false positives which causes unnecessary panic. Some oncs do it because patients like to feel they are having lots of “checks” and that makes them feel better!