Chemo and sex ( question )

ElK, how about the cap? I didn’t get on with a regular coil, or the pill, so for a couple of years that was our chosen method. Perhaps a bit messy, but you get in the swing of using is pretty easily, and it’s a reliable non-hormonal method. Have a chat with the contraception nurse at your doc’s surgery. (Condoms? yuck!)

Yeah, I’d thought about it, but it’s another passion killer isn’t it, fiddling around with that.

Perhaps I can give it a go and see how we get on with it.

Still can’t believe I’m having to deal with all of this stuff at my age *grump*. All my peers are going out having a good time, starting families, having a life, getting places in their career.

Really, it’s not that bad, and doesn’t have to be that intrusive if you get into the habit of putting it in before bed. Erm, perhaps a more suitable discussion for FB?