Chemo headache

Glad you managed to relieve the pain a bit. I was told I could have tramadol or co-codamol, was never offered them as a combination. Presume they have both been prescribed?

Glad you find the notebook idea helpful. Especially good when you take tablets in the early hours as it’s hard to remember the time when you fall asleep.

Yes, both have been prescribed. I was a little unsure initially because the onc had said I could take both, but the pharmacist told me to take one or the other. I spoke to a doctor relative of mine who also told me taking both at the same time was ok. I would recommend it to anyone who is suffering from bad chemo headaches.


That’s good, hope you didn’t mind me checking. So pleased it’s providing relief. Elinda

No Elinda, I don’t mind you asking at all, I would have done!

HI there

Just to say I had pharmacy strength co-codamol (30/500)& ibuprofen post surgery with tramadol “on the side” so to speak if the others didn’t work. you can actually take all 3 together but yes you do need plenty of de-bunging up stuff as well - I use senna & it works a treat. Also plenty of water as they dehydrate you which I think is what causes the constipation as well.

I haven’t started chemo yet so read this to get an idea of possible SEs as I do suffer from headaches & migraine generally so now I will also flag that up when I have my ONC meeting so thanks I may not have thought to before. I am usually sick with my migraine so now methinks I may be in for a grottier time post chemo - YUK!!!

Hi Milly,

I wish I had known about it before I started, but I’m glad I got it sorted. The combination is really good and would definitely recommend you mention it to the onc, don’t take no for an answer because there’s nothing you can do if it starts in the middle of the night, as mine did.

I also get sick with migraines, but that was one side effect I didn’t get, although i felt sick, the meds did their job and stopped anything happening, I hope you find the same.

When do you start?


am waiting for 1st ONC meeting should be hopefully next week. Unfortunately I had to have 2 ops - lumpectomy then mastectomy as margins weren’t clear so I am a month later with treatment than I would have been which has been very difficult & frustrating as well as of course upsetting. Though in some ways I now feel much better prepared as I have had plenty of time to do more research & get support & advice so in some ways I feel less scared about treatment. But I am now kind of “bring it on” and just want to get going but have to wait til I am fully recovered first - Plus I have a rotten cold at the mo so no way could do chemo yet!!!

You’re following a very similar path to me, I also had a lumpectomy followed by a mastectomy, I started chemo nearly 2 months after my lumpectomy. It worked out well, it gave me a chance to go on holiday and get to the bank (if you know what I mean!)

I feel for you, the waiting gets hard after a while, at least when you get a date for it to start to can begin planning, and you’ve certainly got the right attitude, by the time the first session came along I was almost excited. Although that very quickly passed, it made the time leading up to it much more manageable, even though most people thought I was just keeping my head in the sand for as long as possible!

I really hope you get what you want and need soon, let me know how you get on and if I can help at all, please let me know.


Thanks richard

I’ve just invested in a wii fit plus as they say a bit of exercise helps with everything inc headaches so hoping that will help
Loved the hula hoop anyway

Gday Rich, I suffer pretty bad headaches after chemo too. I have only had 2 chemo sessions so far and both times had really bad headaches for a week afterwards. I was grateful to see your posts and the advice given to you. I may ask for something stronger next time.

I wasn’t asking for help with the side effects, because I didn’t want to complain and I just thought that was a part of the ‘journey’. I knew the side effects may be tough and I was just going to just take it. But this week I ended up in hospital with 2 blood clots in my arm that have been there since my last chemo session on the 9/11 and I think I have learnt my lesson to speak up for myself now.

Thank you for your posts and I wish you all the best with the rest of your treatment. I hope you have cracked it for your next chemo session.

Hi Richard, Thanks for posting this - as I thought I was the only one to get a bad headache during chemo. Mine only happened the first time I had chemo, but it was so bad they sent me for a CT scan, as they were worried that I had an inter-cranial bleed (because I have skull metastasis). Fortunately I didn’t, but the only thing that touched it was ora-morph.

Hi guys , I’m new to this forum and like you I am getting headaches a lot. Not to painful, but annoying nevertheless. I had my first Chemo on 22nd of this month and apart from the headaches and weak legs I have nothing to complain about . Just good to read about others just like yourselves. You are very chirpy and very brave and im full of admiration for you all you. Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and my hopes for a Healthy and happy New year all. Sue. Xxx